EP 57

306 19 0

- Third Person POV -

"I see so that's how it is." The man got on his bike. "How about you? You alright?"

"I'm doing better day by day. Don't worry about me." Yeon-ee smiled.

"I can worry. We're still friends after all, right?" He held his hand out of a first bump.

"O-Oh..." She gave him a fist bump. "Y-Yes, still friends!"

"There ya go! Anyway, I need to be on my way if I wanna find him." He started his bike.

"Bye! Good luck!"

"Thanks!" The man zoomed off.

Yeon-ee walked back inside the clinic to meet the woman who told her about him.

"So? Who's the mystery man?" She asked.

"I told you it's not like that. He's someone I know." Yeon-ee sighed. "And he's not here for me. It's Han he's looking for."


The rain poured over the park.

"Oh, crap..." Seokmin looked up at the sky and immediately yelled. "Guys! It's raining!"

"Shit! The decorations!" Mingyu ran around. "Hurry and take them down before they get soaked!"

"I'll bring in the tables and chairs!" Jisoo ran outside.


"Phew..." Mingyu dragged his feet under the stage's roof. "At least we got most of them! The rest of the printed signs are hopeless though... We need to reprint all those. And then we have to wait for the rain to stop before we can put them all up again."

"That might take a while, Mingyu." Jisoo gave a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, why don't we wrap it up for today? We've got most of it done anyway." Seokmin smiled.

"How about the posters?" Mingyu asked as Jisoo and Seokmin pushed him.

"Not a big deal we'll put them up first thing tomorrow morning!"

"Wait, we haven't thought of a backup plan for our backup plan yet!"



Jisoo dropped Mingyu off to Seungcheol's house where he was staying.

"You've been at this for more than a week, Mingyu." Seokmin peeked out of the window.

"Yeah, the only thing left for you to do now is rest." Jisoo smiled. "Relax and let us handle the rest, alright?"

"O-Okay, see you both tomorrow!" Mingyu waved to them.

"Bye and stay out of the rain!" Seokmin drove off with Jisoo.

Mingyu walked to the door turning the knob only to have it not budge.

"Oh right..." Mingyu remembered Seungcheol wasn't home. "Damn it, why do I keep forgetting to get the keys from Cheol?!"

Mingyu leaned on the door. "Ugh... What do I do now?"

Why of course what else is there to do?

Sit and wait in the pouring rain.

The time passed and the sunset took the rain with it.

"At least it stopped raining. I wonder how much longer I have to wait other here though. I can't even call them cause my battery died. Hopefully, nothing bad happened."

'But man, I'd do anything for a warm bath and a change of clothes right now.' Mingyu looked at the window.

Of course...

Break in through the window.

"Maybe there's another way in." Mingyu got up pushing on the window if it would magically open. "I'm sure Cheol wouldn't mind."

Mingyu froze as the window did not budge and he looked at the latch inside. "Locked. Of course, what was I expecting? It won't even budge."

"Amateur, that's not how you do it." A voice boomed with cockiness.

It was the bike man with short blond hair inside his fire-red helmet.

"O-Oh? Hello?" Mingyu backed away at the gang vibe he gave off.

"Windows like these are actually the easiest to break open." He pulled out a switch knife and slid it in the slight opening beside the latch of the window and dragged it across. "You can easily jump sliding windows off their tracks with something like this."


The window opened and Mingyu flinched.

"See? All done!" The man who was a little shorter than Mingyu with a lean figure exclaimed.

"I-Interesting set of skills you've got there, bro. B-But thanks, I guess." Mingyu stepped back as the man swished the knife in front of his face.

"Hehe! Don't mention it. Dudes like us should have each other's back!" The man put away the knife. "Anyway, are you from around here? I'm actually looking for someone. Know any Chio's in this neighborhood?"

"Oh? Choi? Is he a doctor?"


"Well, would you look at that, you've come to the right place! He lives here!" Mingyu pointed at the broken window.

"Oh, is that so? And you were breaking into his house?" The man closed the distance between them glaring at him through his helmet with his tiger-like eyes.

"U-Ummm... Technically yes but not in the way you're thinking!" Mingyu was terrified of this man.

"A robbery is a robbery, stupid! This changes everything!" The man grabbed Mingyu's collar.

"H-Huh?!" Mingyu freaked out.

"HOW DARE YOU TRY AND ROB MY HAN HYUNG!" The man brought up his fist.

"HAN?! W-Wait, you mean Chio?! I thought you said, Choi!" Mingyu was... "HAN LIVES NEXT—"







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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 890



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