EP 9

649 44 3

- Third Person POV -

"Papa?" Chan woke up rubbing his eyes.

Jeonghan was an angel. He was... Beautiful beyond words...

Seungcheol smiled at Chan walking up to him.

"Up..." Chan stretched out his arms.

"Sorry, Papa took so long. Did you have fun?" Seungcheol asked hugging Chan.

"Mhmm..." Chan hummed going back to sleep.


Jeonghan grabbed Seungcheol's coat in his sleep and turned towards him with a distressed face.

"W-Wait... D-Don't go." Jeonghan mumbled biting his lower lip still dreaming. "Please..."

Seungcheol looked sadly at Jeonghan knowing that he wasn't talking to him but someone else.

Seungcheol gently took Jeonghan's hand and placed it close to his other arm before he turned around.

Seungcheol only took a few steps and then took one glance at Jeonghan. He took off his coat after placing Chan in his car and placed it over Jeonghan before leaving the clinic.


Jeonghan blinked awake.


He realized...

He realized the weight sleeping on him was gone!

"Chan! Where's Chan?!" Jeonghan jolted up looking at his lap and then around the room franticly.


The coat over Jeonghan fell to the ground.

"Hm?" Jeonghan gulped picking up the coat as he read the name written on it.

Dr. Cheol

'Oh... He picked him up already.' Jeonghan thought as his eyes trailed to the clock.

6:03 pm

"Ah! Crap!" Jeonghan exclaimed gathering his things as he ran out of the clinic. "The bus! I have to catch the bus!"

And the second Jeonghan came out of his clinic he saw Seungcheol's car waiting in front of him.

"Oh good. You're awake. Hop in, I'll drop you off." Seungcheol smiled from the driver's seat.

"W-What?" Jeonghan could not believe what he'd just heard.

"You just missed your bus, and you have no other way of getting home. You don't really have a choice right now."

Was Seungcheol being nice to Jeonghan?

And so Jeonghan ended up in Seungcheol's car as they drove to Jeonghan's apartment.

Jeonghan stared out the window and Seungcheol focused on driving through the city as Chan slept in the back.

"You know, I don't mind spending the night in my clinic. You really didn't have to do this." Fed up of the silence Jeonghan spoke.

"I'm taking Chan home. He lives in the same city so I might as well, right?" Seungcheol smiled looking straight.

"He doesn't live with you?" Jeonghan cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Nope. He lives with his grandparents." Seungcheol tilted his head.

"Ah. Okay." Jeonghan gave a monotone reaction.

"Okay? That's it?" Seungcheol did not expect this reaction from Jeonghan.

"Yep. Okay. Cool." Jeonghan looked back outside the window.

"Sorry, I'm just used to follow-up questions after telling people that. Where's his mom? What happened? Stuff like that." Seungcheol gave a dry chuckle.

"I'd rather not get involved in other people's personal lives." Jeonghan sighed.

"Haha! And I thought everyone liked tea."

"Well, when someone starts opening up to you, you're expected to do the same." Jeonghan bit his lip sadly. "I'm not doing that. Especially not with someone I just met."

"Dama, that's cold." Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan for a split second before he looked back at the road. He remembered how Jeonghan held his coat. "So, who hurt you?"

"W-Wha—" Jeonghan was surprised at the sudden question.

"Hahaha! Nothing. Never mind." Seungcheol laughed. "No persona sob stories got it. That topic's a downer anyway."


Seungcheol walked out of the car with Chan in front of Chan's grandparent's house.

Jeonghan watched from the car.

Seungcheol knocked on the door as it creaked open to reveal an old lady who took Chan with a stone-cold face.

Seungcheol gave a crooked smile as he walked back to the car.


"Hey, Han... I can call you that, right?" Seungcheol gulped asking as he saw Jeonghan get out of the car when they reached their destination.

"Hm? Yeah?" Jeonghan answered without emotion.

"So... Uhh. Thanks for today..." Seungcheol smiled remembering their childish interaction. "...For helping out with Chan."

"Sure, I mean you drove me all the way here. I guess you can say we're even." Jeonghan closed the car door looked at Seungcheol from the open window and smirked. "Oh, and you also have to admit that you lost to me yesterday before I could truly forgive you."

The poster fight had not left Jeonghan's mind.

"Haha! Sure! You win that round, forehead!" Seungcheol laughed driving off.

"W-Wha—" Jeonghan fumed yelling. "CAMEL FACE!"

Jeonghan chuckled to himself as he pulled his phone out.

Dialing her number, he held the phone close to his ear.

"Good evening, Mrs. Boo. It's me, Chio Yoon Jeonghan... ...The one who was looking for a room yesterday."

Jeonghan smiled.

"I was wondering if the room is still available?"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 843



Ask for permission before translating!



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