EP 66

306 17 1

- Third Person POV -

"So, you're Han's brother!" Seokmin exclaimed shaking hands with Soonyoung. "You look nothing like him!"

"Told you so!" Jisoo chuckled.

"Name's Seokmin but just call me Min." Seokmin grinned.

"Yeah, Kwon Soonyoung." Soonyoung nervously laughed.

"When Han said he had a brother who was in a gang. I had a totally different image in my head." Seokmin scanned the lean yet masculine Soonyoung describing how he thought he would look like Jeonghan just more buff and smoking with a bat in his hands.

"Probably not that extreme but he's no goody two-shoes either. Still getting into fights kid? Don't make your brother worry too much okay?" Jisoo hung his arm around Soonyoung's neck.

"I'm trying to turn over a new leaf, Jisoo Hyung."

"I'd say he looked more like someone straight out of a rock band. Spiky hair, all leather, and a motorcycle to boot." Mingyu smirked.

"What? And you're any better?" Soonyoung scoffed going on to describe his tasteless cloths from Mingyu. "I was some punk, tragic really. It's all thanks to Mr. Kim that I now look like someone who needs a 5-dollar coffee every few hours to function."

"Hey!" Mingyu's head snapped over to Soonyoung beside him.

"Everyone knows the guy who owns Gaudy designer underwear has superior taste!"

"Oy, stop talking." Mingyu placed his hand over Soonyoung's mouth while the other slipped to his shoulder.

"I don't get why—mmph... Sho fancy for something—mmhpff... Just okay."

"Ah." Jisoo immediately understood what happened.

"So that's why. I was wondering why he arrived with Mingyu and not his own brother this morning." Seokmin knew what happened.

"Han never mentioned Soonyoung, and I haven't seen them interact all day. I have a feeling there's also something going on with those two." Jisoo clinged to Seokmin.

"Oh man, let's hope not." Seokmin pecked Jisoo's cheek.

And just as the silence fell Jisoo saw... "Oh! There she is! Koko! Oh and you even found our bosses!"

Seungcheol and Chan walked behind Kok with Chan holding Jeonghan's hand.

"Sorry we're late!" Kok smiled. "have you been waiting long?"

"Not at all, we all just got here!"

Seungcheol and Jeonghan walked over to Mingyu and Soonyoung.

"H-Hey... Uhmm... How was everything on your end?" Mingyu asked as Soonyoung hid behind Mingyu's tall figure peeking over his shoulder to look at Jeonghan.

"It went well." Jeonghan gave a bland answer.

It was awkward.

"So are we just going to pretend that Soonyoung isn't behind you?" Jeonghan raised an eyebrow.

"N-No! Of course not! I'm here Hyung! I've been here all day waiting to talk to you!" Soonyoung peeked out.

"Ughh... This I so awkward..." Jisoo hid behind Seokmin to save himself from embarrassment.

"S-So Miss Kok, what are we doing here again?" Seokmin asked. "Shall we get started before it gets even more tense?"

"Yes, let me just get these out." Koko walked over to her car to pull out a few wrapped boxes to hand them all. "I just wanted to give you guys these. I know you're busy people, I might not get the chance to get you all together like this after the event."

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