EP 75

296 16 3

- Third Person POV -

Seungcheol drove over to Mingyu's house after getting out of his car and walking to the gate.

Seungcheol drove over to Mingyu's house after getting out of his car and walking to the gate

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"How nostalgic..."

Seungcheol left his buzzing phone in the car.

And the caller was...

Mrs. Baek—


"Uncle, I caught another one!" Chan exclaimed taking a picture of a frog with his little kiddy camera that actually worked.

"Good job! How many have you caught so far?" Mingyu smiled.

"I don't know, I don't like counting." Chan turned to Mingyu.

"CHAN! MINGYU!" Seungcheol walked to the pond beaming.

"Oh, that was quick." Mingyu turned to him.

"Papa!" Chan ran into Seungcheol's arms.

"Hold on, I'm just gonna go get Han." Mingyu smiled.

"Han? He's here?" Seungcheol blinked.

"Yeah, we had something to discuss."

"I-I'll do it! I'll go get him!" Seungcheol let of Chan turning around and walking immediately as if his legs were searching for Jeonghan and would only be at ease once he met him.

"I think I saw him walking towards the gazebo! Do you still know the way?" Mingyu yelled at Mingyu who was yards away from him.



Jeonghan sat all alone in his thoughts not realizing Seungcheol walking up the stairs to him.

"Han..." Seungcheol called.

Jeonghan looked up at him snapping out of his thoughts. "Huh? Cheol?!"

Seungcheol held out a small bouquet of flowers he created with the ones he found on the way to the gazebo. "I picked them along the way, I thought you'd like them."

"W-Wait, why are you..." Jeonghan blushed.

"I came to pick up Chan and Mingyu."


"Don't worry, they'll wait. We can stay here for a bit." Seungcheol smiled handing Jeonghan the flowers.

"Uhmm... They're beautiful..." Jeonghan carefully held them.

"Those are apology flowers by the way."

"Wait, for what? There's nothing to apologize about, Cheol."

"For this." Seungcheol blushed and sat down beside Jeonghan. "Because I shouldn't be here. You asked for time and space, didn't you? And yet here I am crawling back to you to beg for reassurance."

"What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, I'm worried. It's about last night... You see, if there's one thing I learned lately, it's that the sooner I am honest about my feelings the easier it'll be for us. I didn't want to go through the guessing games. I simply wanted you to know right away that... You're someone I've wanted to be with for a long time, Han."

"Be the person I wake up next to in the morning or the friendly face I see when I look through the window next door. I'm fine either way as long as you're there." Seungcheol smiled staring at Jeonghan. "But then you made a break for it last night. It suddenly occurred that I might just have done something irreversible. That's why I'm here for damage control."

"S-So uhh... I'll just get to the point..." Seungcheol but his pinky finger. "...Can we promise? I'm not gonna rush you into deciding anything, but when you do... Promise me it won't cost us whatever it is we have now, that we can stay as we are."

"Pfft—" Jeonghan tried holding back his laugh. "A pinky promise? That's so childish! Hahaha! Sorry, you remind me too much of Chan right now! Hahaha!"

"I'm serious! And Chan's pinky promise is infallible!" Seungcheol pouted.

"Hahaha! Well, that's true, but you're no Chan." Jeonghan stared into Seungcheol's eyes. "Seriously? That's your biggest concern? That if I don't like you, you're worried that things will change?"

"What? Are we problem-shaming now too?"

"Yeah, it's dumb." Jeonghan moved closer to Seungcheol taking his arms as he hid his face into his nape letting his hair fall freely. "Hate to break it to you but I liked you first. Hell, I said yes even when you weren't asking. I said yes, a second-time last night."

Seungcheol raised his hand caressing Jeonghan's hair.

"And I may have been doing a breakup walkthrough in my head before you got here. I liked you first, you just beat me to a confession. So don't get ahead of yourself. It's just that unlike you who jumps first before realizing shit. I think..." Jeonghan clenched Seungcheol's shirt as tears streamed out of his eyes. "And then think... And think some more... Until I get trapped in that loop. And end up with more problems than I started with."

"You mind telling me?" Seungcheol hugged Jeonghan keeping close wanting to protect him from his fears.

"I'll think about it." Jeonghan sniffed.



Sniffle! Sniffle!

"Alright, are you done? Will you look at me now?" Seungcheol cupped Jeonghan's face.

"Dun wanna..." Jeonghan kept his head down.

"Why not?"

"Your face is distracting me again... So unfair."

"This stupid face?"

"Exactly." Seungcheol raised Jeonghan's head.

Time was as still as the sunset behind them. They looked into each other's eyes enchanted as their faces drew closer.

Their lips inches away from each other.




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 878



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