EP 60

325 20 1

- Third Person POV -

Jeonghan brought Mingyu to his house to treat his busted lip.

"Stings..." Mingyu whined.

"It's almost done." Jeonghan assured dabbing the cotton on Mingyu's injury. "I'm really, really sorry about this. I won't stop you if you want to file a report. He's clearly in the wrong here."

"Your brother... Soonyoung, was it?"


"If you ignore the fact that he tried to help someone who he thought was a burglar, I think he really just misunderstood. Besides, he even volunteered to get my things for me." Mingyu sighed as Jeonghan stood up after placing a small band aid on the injury.

Okay, if you say so..." Jeonghan walked away to keep the first aid box under the TV.

"That and I'm simply too tired to deal with it. What's weighing on me more is what happens afterward."

"Sorry for keeping it from you Mingyu." Jeonghan took a seat beside Mingyu on the couch.

I have nothing against you, and honestly, I'd be more upset if I found out from anyone else besides him. Right now, I just want a little time alone."

"Where will you stay? We wouldn't mind if you took the sofa, y'know? Or maybe we can get you a mattress..." Jeonghan suggested.

"Nah, too close. I have a few other options so don't worry about me. I also have a feeling that your brother will be needing that spot." Mingyu rejected him.

"Yeah, you have a point... That guy only comes around when he's in a pinch. Every time he shows up I can't help but assume that he got caught up in some sort of mess again and needs help with it. But that's still better than never showing up at all." Jeonghan spoke not knowing that Soonyoung was outside the door listening to them with Mingyu's luggage. "I constantly worry about him."

With a sad expression and weighed feeling Soonyoung knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock!

"Oh, that must be him!" Jeonghan peeked up to look over his shoulder at Soonyoung who entered the open house.

"Here are your things..." Soonyoung gave a nervous smile to Mingyu. "...Kind and handsome Mr. Kim."

"You could've tried at least a little more with your acting." Mingyu commented standing up.

"By the way. Han, about tomorrow..." Mingyu took his luggage from Soonyoung as he talked to Jeonghan.

"We'll proceed as planned. Jisoo and I will be the first ones there." Jeonghan smiled assuring.

"Alright, see you tomorrow then." Mingyu smiled back as he felt Soonyoung poke his chest before whispering.

"O-Oy, how about us?" Soonyoung gulped asking.

"What about us?" Mingyu sighed.

"We're cool, right? No more of that police talk?"

"It depends if my face still hurts by tomorrow. We'll have to wait and see~" Mingyu played around with Soonyoung having fun seeing his different reactions.



"W-Wait!" Before Soonyoung could say anything else the door was slammed on his face giving him no choice but to turn and talk to Jeonghan. "That guy... He can't be serious, r-right?"

"He's not. You're lucky he's a bug softie." Jeonghan sighed and then forced Soonyoung to sit on the couch in front of him. "That wouldn't have happened if you made an effort to contact me beforehand. Why? Is it urgent? What can I do for you this time, Soonyoung?"

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