EP 10

676 42 12

- Third Person POV -

"Do I really have to do everything for you, Cheol?" Seokmin let out a dry chuckle of pressure.

They sat in Seungcheol's house.

"I have no idea how to file these. Besides, you've always been the more organized one!" Seungcheol beamed as Seokmin gathered the papers around him on the table near the window.

"Tsk! This better show up on my paycheck then." Seokmin's eyes twitched as he looked at Seungcheol and the way he was dressed.

"Ugh... Fine. I'll list it down." Seungcheol pouted.

"Also, Cheol. Why are you only wearing boxers?" Seokmin held his face for his sanity.

"Laundry day! Everything's in the wash!" Seungcheol chuckled in his cucumber boxers as if this was every day for him.

"And what if there's an emergency or if someone comes over?"

"Then they'll have the pleasure of seeing this—" Seungcheol showed off his bulky arms.

"Gross!" Seokmin made a disgusted face.

"Don't worry~ I have an emergency onesie lying around." His lips perked up.

"What? That stupid costume from Halloween—" Seokmin's soul traveled to another world as he saw the one outside the window.

"Ah?" Seokmin blushed.

The way his hair gently swayed in the wind as he smiled under the sun was simply beautiful. The foreign-looking boy had his heart all to himself.

The papers in Seokmin's hands dropped.

"Seok, you okay? What are you staring at?" Seungcheol looked at him in confusion before he turned to look behind him. "Oh hey, it's Jisoo!"

"W-Wait, you know him?!" Seokmin's eyes widened.

"Yup, he's the assistant from the vet clinic." And Seungcheol realized as he stood up from his chair. "Eh? Wait, that means..."

He and Seokmin walked to the window to look at what was going on. "He changed his mind?"

"Huh?" Seokmin peeked at Jisoo.

There Jeonghan was moving into Mrs. Boo's house.

"Jisoo! Wait up!" Jeonghan carried two large boxes in his hands as he made his way up the stairs.

"He said he wouldn't take the room." Seungcheol pondered.

"A-Are they moving in together?" Seokmin asked feeling like he'd been rejected before he even asked Jisoo out.

"No just him. They're not dating." Seungcheol answered in a monotone voice.

"Huh?" Jeonghan felt eyes on him, so he turned to look at the window they came from only to find it empty. He shrugged continuing his task.

"And how do you know?" Seokmin asked hiding under the window with Seungcheol so that they couldn't be seen.

"I feel it in my gut..."

"You sure it's not gas?"

"Trust me, Min!"

"A-Anyway, shouldn't we help them? It looks like it's just the two of them." Seokmin hesitated.

"Oooooo~ You wanna meet him that badly?" Seungcheol smirked. "Since you helped me with my taxes, why don't I help you with this one?"

"W-Wait! You don't even have pants on!" Seokmin exclaimed as Seungcheol pulled him up.

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