EP 37

401 24 1

- Third Person POV -

"Y-You two..." Seungcheol let out a shaky breath of relief. "I can't believe I finally found you."

"Cheol!" Tears surfaced in Jeonghan's eyes at the site of Seungcheol.

"Papa!" Chan cried running into Seungcheol's arms. "Waa!! Papa, you found us!"

"Chan, are you okay?" Are you hurt anywhere?" Seungcheol hugged Chan back caressing his back.

"P-Papa, we fell... And... And it started raining..." Chan hiccupped with tears trying to explain. "T-The thunder was so scary..."

"Yes, don't worry. Papa's here now..." Seungcheol cupped Chan's face and kissed his forehead. "...I've got you."

"Cheol..." Jeonghan lips quivered, and his body trembled. He clenched his clothes getting ready to get yelled at. "I... I am so sorry."

Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan angrily. "Yeah, what the hell were you thinking!?"

"I... Didn't think it would turn out like t-this..." Jeonghan looked down too afraid to look Seungcheol's eyes. "...It's because of me that Chan was put in danger. I'm so sorry."

"No, Papa! Chanie ran off even though Uncle told me not to!" Chan grabbed Seungcheol's arms tightly. "Uncle even got hurt trying to protect me!"

"Huh? Is that true?" Seungcheol's head snapped towards Chan and his face was quickly painted with regret. He immediately looked back at Jeonghan who was beginning to curl into himself. He reached out his hand and cupped his face. "You're injured? Where?"

"Y-You probably won't trust me ever again..." Jeonghan's mind was too clouded to recognize Seungcheol. "...Let alone forgive me."

"Please let me see." Seungcheol clenched his teeth trying his best to not cry himself seeing that Jeonghan was in pain. It hurt him.

"We shouldn't have left..." Jeonghan cried.


"N-No, why do you always have to see me like this?" Jeonghan covered his mouth to control his sobs, but Seungcheol only pulled away his hands to look at Jeonghan.

Seungcheol wanted to see Jeonghan even if he was in his broken state.

"W-Why do I always mess everything up? I just wanted to help you out... To fill in while you're gone. You've been looking after me ever since I moved in. I wanted to do the same for you and Chan... But instead, I..."

Seungcheol couldn't take it any longer. To think that Jeonghan thought so much about him made him feel...


Seungcheol pulled Jeonghan into his embrace. "Shh... It's alright. I under, you're both safe and that's all that matters. I'm not mad or anything, okay? Besides, I'm at fault too... Thank you for trying your best to keep Chan safe."

"B-But..." Jeonghan cried like a baby and hugged Seungcheol back wanting to be in his comfort.

"No more, it's over now." Seungcheol assured running circles on Jeonghan's back to calm him down. "We need to get you both home so I can tend to your injuries."

"Uncle crying is making Chanie cry!" Chan sniffed and then ran to them. "I wanna join the hug too!"

"Come her kiddo." Seungcheol smiled making some space between him and Jeonghan for Chan to fit into.



"Huh?" Wonwoo snapped his head around at the sound of footsteps.

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