EP 69

287 19 11

- Third Person POV -

Jeonghan returned back to Seungcheol's home with Soonyoung.

"Wait, don't you live next door? Is it okay for us to here?" Soonyoung asked licking the remains of his ice cream.

"Yeah, Cheol gave me the keys. Chan will be more comfortable here." Jeonghan answered casually opening the door as he walked inside.

"I see..." Soonyoung blinked following Jeonghan. "So uhh..."

"Let me put him to bed first." Jeonghan sighed walking Chan over to Seungcheol's room.

"Oh, yeah sure."

Soonyoung watched Jeonghan tuck Chan into bed with a smile as he leaned on the door frame.

"Let's go talk in the kitchen." Jeonghan walked out of the room guiding Soonyoung to the kitchen.


"Chan will be hungry when he wakes up, I need to make him something." Jeonghan opened the fridge looking for ingredients to cook with.

"Oh wow, when did you start cooking?" Soonyoung simply observed.

"Just recently."

"This feels weird we're in someone else's kitchen."

"Don't worry, it's Cheol."

Soonyoung had to ask. "Hyung, are you dating Doctor Man?"

"W-What?!" Jeonghan blushed turning to Soonyoung. "N-No! We're not! What gave you that idea?!"

"Well, you're sorta acting like a boyfriend."

"Jeez, can't a friend help out from time to time?" Jeonghan pulled out the ingredients moving them to the slab.

"You're blushing though," Soonyoung smirked.

"Wait, why are we suddenly talking about this? You have a lot of explaining to do, Soonyoung, better get started."

"U-Uhmm..." Soonyoung looked away.

"Look, all I want is for you to clear a few things up. First, why are you really here? I need to know. Second what Yeon-ee told you." Jeonghan walked close to Soonyoung.

Soonyoung sighed. "Okay uhh... About me being here... You see, I was going to tell you about that but... I've decided that I'll go back to the city after this so it's not a really big deal anymo—"



"What's wrong? Please tell me." Jeonghan kept his hand on Soonyoung's shoulder truly wanting to know.

"I was fired from my job and got kicked out of my apartment. And I still don't have the money to pay you back sorry. Every time I get a job, the people from my old gang keep finding me. They always find a way to get me fired and ruin whatever I've started."

"Wait, you left?"

"Yes, it's been a few months."

"It's about time. I told you they're nothing but trouble."

"Sorry for not listing earlier." Soonyoung scratched his head as Jeonghan let go of him leaning on the slab.

"Why didn't you go to mom and dad instead?"

"How about you? Do they know about you moving here? About Yeon-ee?"

"N-No..." Jeonghan looked away. "Alright fine, our parents are out of the question. But you're gonna go back to the city? Do you have a plan? Where are you going to stay?"

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