EP 71

276 16 0

- Third Person POV -

Mingyu finished packing and gathering his things that he left in the hotel room as he rolled over his first finished suitcase to Soonyoung. "Hey Soonyoung... If you really don't have anything to pack, then you should help me."

"Soonyoung!" Mingyu snapped his head down at Soonyoung who lay face flat on the bed groaning.

Mingyu's eyes trailed down to Soonyoung's peach as he smirked slapping his peaches. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Ugh... Can't we stay for one more night?" Soonyoung turned around.

"Why? Didn't it go well with Han earlier? You two seemed fine a while ago." Mingyu took a seat on the bed looking back at Soonyoung.

"Ah, it did." Soonyoung sat up. "We made up. He even let me stay over until I'm back on my feet."

"That's good. What's the problem then?"

"Actually, we only made up because I told him what he wanted to hear... I can't help but feel like I'm lying to his face again. I just don't know if that's for the best..."


"So, about Mingyu, he knows everything?" Jeonghan asked as they settled on the dining table in Seungcheol's house.

"Yeah, it's all good now."

"That's great! To be honest, after knowing him, I just knew he wouldn't hold it against you. He's not perfect but he cares so much about you. It's great that you have a friend like him."

"Mhmm..." Seungcheol watched Jeonghan stand up turning around.

"But more importantly, I'm proud of you. Although, I feel a little guilty that I wasn't there with you. I promised you, didn't I? That I'd be there for you."

"But you were!" Seungcheol jolted up out of his seat walking to Jeonghan. "You were with Chan! Having someone I can fully trust my son with, that's a lot. So, thank you... Thank you for being there for me."

"Ah jeez, why'd you have to be sentimental all of a sudden? First, it was Soonyoung, now you." Jeonghan chuckled.

"Oh... Ummm... T-Than let me get over this quick." Seungcheol looked at the ground.

"Get over that?" Jeonghan asked innocently.

"A while ago while were at the park..." Seungcheol raised his head looking right into Jeonghan's eyes.

"Yeah?" Jeonghan gulped.

"Y'know, when we're at the bench right after Chan cried?"

Jeonghan froze blushing as he looked down... 'Wait, is he talking about that?! I've been so preoccupied with Chan and Soonyoung that I completely forgot about it! Us holding hands like that!!! Or did my brain short circuit because of the shock?!'

"You remember right?" Seungcheol asked again.

"A-Ah! You mean the thing with Miss Koko?" Jeonghan laughed at himself. 'Han you idiot! Calm down! Don't start looking for a way out!'

"No, not that."

"O-Oh? Then..."

"Here, let me remind you." Seungcheol slowly took hold of Jeonghan's hand intertwining his fingers with Jeonghan's. "Han... What I meant was this."

Jeonghan's face turned crimson.

"And no, I'm not doing this as a neighbor or a friend." Seungcheol looked into his eyes absolutely whipped with Jeonghan. "This is so much more than that."

"I do..." Jeonghan slipped into a daze confessing before he was asked out.

"Ah?" Unfortunately, Seungcheol did not understand. "Y-You what?"

"Huh?" Jeonghan snapped out of his daze realizing what had come out of his mouth as he took a step back letting go of Seungcheol's hand. "W-Wait! NO! NO! Not yet!"

"NO?" Seungcheol's voice dropped.

"Yes! But not no! Just not yet! I mean..." Jeonghan buried his face in his hands. "AAAAAA! Why do I keep doing this?! It's happening again! In the same place too!"

"A-Are you okay?" Seungcheol panicked.

"No! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

"I'm sorry?!"

"Wait! Not you!" Jeonghan ripped his face away and looked up at Seungcheol as he grabbed his shoulders looking down. "Look, it's not you. It's me."

"A breakup line, so soon?" Seungcheol was beyond confused.

"It's not like that! Cheol, I don't know how to say this but I'm an idiot. What's worse is that I'm an idiot in panic. And I'm sure I have a million things I have to consider first, but I can't remember any of them right now because all I can think about is kissing your stupid face."

"O-Oh? I mean, that doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"IT IS A BAD IDEA!" Jeonghan took a step back holding his head and gripping his hair. "You don't understand. I made the decisions in this state! I need a council with myself in an empty bathtub for 5 hours first!"

"A what?"

"I-I's just... I can't talk like this... Not right now." Jeonghan let go of his hair biting his lips as he bowed to Seungcheol. "Please don't think of this as a rejection!"

"Goodbye for now! By the way, don't eat the spring rolls!" Jeonghan ran away... He RAN AWAY... In embarrassment...

"Okay? Good night!" Seungcheol blinked as he heard the door slam shut.

"What just happened? Ah, crap... That was still way too fast, wasn't it?" Seungcheol closed his eyes smiling.

"But he did say he wanted to kiss my stupid face... That's a good sign, right?"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 904



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