EP 74

279 14 0

- Third Person POV -

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Mingyu, Jeonghan, and Chan walked through the path of trees that led to...

The atmosphere was awkward—

"Wait, I just remembered something. What's up with you and Soonyoung?" Jeonghan asked.

"We're sorry! We shouldn't have done it! Please spare us from your wrath!" Mingyu begged joining his hands together and getting on his knees.

"Eh? What's up with you two?" Jeonghan was confused—more like his memory was wiped clean because of Seungcheol's confession. "You guys act like you committed a crime or something."


Jeonghan regained his memories. "You're both adults. It's not like I have a say in what you do in your spare time. But he's gonna be working for me now. I can't have you swooping him away at unreasonable times, alright?! Besides, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do with the information. Should I warn him of you? The other way around? You two seem evenly matched in that area so I'll let it be."

"Just don't play around with his feelings got it?" Jeonghan loomed over Mingyu threatening to kill him.

"O-Of course I won't. I mean, I'm not that kind of thing to begin with." Mingyu looked away.

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan grabbed his hand forcing him to stand up.

Mingyu looked away hooking his hand over Jeonghan's shoulder. "H-Hey look! We're here!"

"Stop changing the topic!"

"No seriously, look!"

"..." Jeonghan looked un in front of him greeting... "An old house?"

"You got it!"

"Uhmm... Okay?" Jeonghan was confused. "Sorry, I don't know what kind of reaction you want from me... It looks just like any other abandoned house in this town."

"Well, this one's special. It's the house I grew up in. We kept the property just so we had a house to stay in whenever we came back to visit. Unfortunately, we never found the time to come back, and the house just sat here abandoned for years. It'll need costly repairs to be liable at this point. My parents suggest I just sell it off while I'm still here." Mingyu smiled unlocking the front gate as he walked into the front yard. "Let's go in."

"Woah! A pond! I'm gonna go look for froggies!" Chan jumped towards the pond beside the house that he spotted.

"Okay, stay where we can see you!" Mingyu smiled.


"Wait, let me get this straight... Are you trying to sell me your house?" Jeonghan asked.

"Hahahahaha! No way, dude! I know you can't afford this place!" Mingyu patted Jeonghan's back.

"Then why the funk are we here?!" Jeonghan wanted to cry.

"I'm thinking of turning it into a shelter," Mingyu claimed placing his hands on his hips and walking in front of Jeonghan. "And I want to build it with me!"


"It's perfect! The lawn is huge! There's lots of space for the animals to run around!"

"Wait, does that mean you're not going back overseas?" Jeonghan's eyes shot open.

"If only it was that easy, huh? I have a business and employees under my wing, it would be irresponsible for me to leave just like that. Also, we'll need money to fix up this old place. I don't think donations would be able to cover it. I can't just let go of my source of income. That's why I'm asking you, Han. I'll need a person who can manage it from here. Someone who will be staying here for good."

"F-For good?" Jeonghan played with his ponytail.

"You will be, right?"

"Uhmm... That's a hard question to answer."

"I see, I was concerned about that. Han, I hope you don't mind me asking this but I've been wondering..."


"What made you move here? If you're here to turn your back on your old problems... What would you do if the same thing happened again?" Mingyu asked with a serious expression.

"I-I uhh..." Jeonghan felt his words caught in his throat as he trembled at the thought.

"Would you uproot your life again and run away somewhere else?" Mingyu asked walking over to him and keeping a hand on his shoulder to knock him out of the trance. "Don't worry, I just wanted to put the offer out there, I'm in no rush. Just tell me when you've decided, okay?"

Jeonghan nodded.

"Ah! It's almost time. I'm gonna go get Chan." Mingyu looked at the time on his phone.

"Okay, I'm just gonna walk around a bit more." Jeonghan wanted to curl into himself.

"Okay! Meet us at the gate when you're done!"


Jeonghan walked finding a mall mound behind the house with stairs leading to a beautiful...

Jeonghan walked finding a mall mound behind the house with stairs leading to a beautiful

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He walked into the gazebo sitting down on the bench in the center.

"What would you do, Jeonghan?"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 843



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