EP 15

565 36 2

- Third Person POV -

Seokmin got dressed for his date with Jisoo in the morning.

"Perfect!" Seokmin looked into the mirror he turned around checking himself out from every angle.

He gelled his hair back wearing a black shirt exposing a bit of his chest as he rolled his sleeves up. With skintight jeans, he wore a Rolex smiling to himself in his thoughts.

"Heeeey Jisoo~ Lookin' good love~" Seokmin acted and paused.

As the realization hit him.

He looked like an idiot.

"... No! No! No! He'll hate that! And I sound like Cheol!" Seokmin cringed.

"Yeah, and Cheol isn't really my type." Jisoo smiled looking at Seokmin through his window.

"ACK!" Seokmin got a heart attack.

Seokmin's head creaked towards the window. "Jisoo! Please tell me you didn't hear any of that..."

"Haha! Don't worry, I can pretend!" Jisoo chuckled.

Seokmin ran out of his house to where Jisoo stood outside.

"Sorry, I think I got here a little too early." Jisoo smiled once Seokmin stepped out locking his door.

"No, you're just in... Woah..." Seokmin was in a daze at Jisoo's beauty.


"You look so handsome..." Seokmin was drooling.

"You too Seok. And I love your parted hair." Jisoo chuckled.

Jisoo stood in a white shirt that ever so slightly exposed his collarbone with black dress pants. His hair was parted to the side in a gentleman's fashion as his deer eyes shined through.

"And did you get taller or am I imagining it?" Seokmin stood in front of Jisoo measuring his height with his hand.

"Oh! I'm wearing a new pair of shoes that just has a little heel to it." Jisoo looked concerned. "Is it okay? I have sneakers so I can change into them if you want."

"Are you kidding? You're like a model. Who wouldn't want to date a model?!" Seokmin beamed.

"Stop making me blush so early. The date's barely started yet!" Jisoo looked away shyly.

"We better get it started then!" Seokmin intertwined his hands with Jisoo. "Let's go!"

"Yes. Let's go!" Jisoo excitedly pulled Seokmin forward. "By the way, I'm picking up a few things from my old workplace."

"Sure thing!"


"Here we are." Jisoo drove with Seokmin to the old clinic that he and Jeonghan had come from.

"Do you want to come with me or just stay in the car?" Jisoo asked, getting out of the car.

"I'll come. I wanna see inside." Seokmin smiled getting out of the car.

"So, Han used to own this place? It's pretty big" Seokmin commented standing in front of the large clinic.

"Oh, no, not like that. It's more of a joint clinic. He worked here with two other veterinarians." Jisoo explained.

"That makes sense." Seokmin entered with Jisoo.

"Jisoo! I have your things here!" A male standing behind the counter waved to Jisoo with a smile.

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