EP 49

329 17 0

- Third Person POV -

Mingyu continued driving as the sunset. He pressed on the radio to play some music as he chucked hearing the familiar melody.

"Oh my god, remember then this one was super popular back in the day? It's so corny, that played it every prom, and couples would slow dance to it and just break up a week later."

"It's one of my favorite songs. I also never went to prom." Jeonghan stated as if it was no big deal.

"O-Oh? I m-mean, the lyrics are actually not that bad. H-Haha..." Mingyu's laughter died out.



"Shouldn't we be addressing the elephant in the room before attempting small talk?" Ah yes, of course. The dinner mishap."

"Mishap? You make it sound like it's an accident."

"I didn't think you'd take the forehead comment so personally. I swear I wasn't trying to make fun of you. Sorry." Mingyu apologized. "I also apologize for forcing you to admit your feelings... You seemed to be really into Cheol, so I wanted to prove it without being too direct. Still, I really should've just asked instead of doing all that, sorry."

"Ah, I think we can get off here." Mingyu parked the car.

"Um... This is it?" Jeonghan got off and looked around at the trees that surrounded them.

"We still have to walk for a bit to get there. Also, I'm not sure if the place is still running so it's gonna be a surprise for both of us, ha-ha!" Mingyu scratched his head.

"You never had a plan to begin with..."

"Anyway, are you really okay walking around like that?" Mingyu asked.

"Yeah, it's fine as long as there's no strain on the foot." Jeonghan sighed closing his eyes.

"Will that be a problem?" Mingyu pointed behind Jeonghan.

"That's... a lot of steps."

"It's but a minor inconvenience!" Mingyu bet down getting between Jeonghan's feet

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"It's but a minor inconvenience!" Mingyu bet down getting between Jeonghan's feet.

"ACK! What are you doing?!" Jeonghan punched Mingyu's back.

"Up you go!" Mingyu hosted Jeonghan on his back.

"Really... What the hell is it with you and your cheap K-Drama reenactments?!" Jeonghan grabbed Mingyu's shoulders.

"Gosh, will you stop throwing shade at my comfort shows? And what reenactment? The second-rate love rival wanna-be doesn't usually do this. Pretty original if you ask me." Mingyu smoked climbing the stairs with Jeonghan on his back.

"Rival... You really like that role, huh? You say you're only acting the part for shifts and giggles but I don't know if I believe that."

"So, I'm either an exceptionally good actor or a really bad liar?"

"To put it simply your vagueness confuses me and it's the reason I'm having a hard time trusting you." Jeonghan got off Mingyu's back the second they reached the top. "I don't like mind games and if you keep them up, please don't ever expect me to be buddy-buddy with you."

"Ah, so all you want for me to be is completely honest?" Mingyu smiled. "And whatever the truth is you won't hold it against me?"

"Y-Yeah. I guess."

"What if I tell you that it's true? That I see you as a rival... And I want you out of the way to win Cheol's affection?"

"Eh? Well?" Jeonghan gulped before looking offended. "Why don't you just tell him? It's not like getting rid of me will make him like you more. I don't want a stupid competition. Besides you're Mingyu! Why would you even bother to compete with anyone?!"

"H-Huh?" Mingyu froze the second Jeonghan grabbed his arms.

"You're the long-time friend with the nice hair and good looks! How knows how to cook, sociable, rich, and probably even great in bed! If you two end up together, I get it! You're what most people would choose! Just don't take the small possibility of him liking some angry, mediocre-looking, balding vet away from me! So just tell him. We don't have to make it so complicated."


"But if it turns out that he doesn't feel the same way about you... All I ask is for you to do the same and let me take my shot. I mean, I won't do it right away but yeah... Who knows? He might not even be interested in either of us." Jeonghan blushed. "The most important thing is that I should be entirely up to him, not us. Let's not treat him like a prize or property we can just claim if we one-up the other, okay?"

"No, I don't need to tell him anything." Mingyu ran far and yelled. "HAN HEAR ME OUT!"

"Huh? What are you doing all the way over there?" Jeonghan looked confused.

"FIRST OFF, I WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I REALLY INTENDED TO TELL YOU NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! SECOND, LET ME REMIND OYU THAT I SAID, 'WHAT IF' WHICH LET'S ME OFF THE HOOK!" Mingyu panted catching his breath. "Cheol and I are good friends. Nothing more than that, I promise. That's something we've settled a long time ago."

Jeonghan fumed stomping towards Mingyu.

"I-I get why you're mad but... Isn't it normal to be curious of your best friend's potential partner's intentions?" Mingyu backed away. "I just didn't expect you to pour your heart out like that."

"He, you said you wanted to be friends, right? Why are you trying to get away now?" Jeonghan pulled off his shoe.

"Wait, it that your shoe—" Mingyu hit a sign behind him. "Huh?"

Mingyu turned around to look at the sign.

HOPE – Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center

"Han, look! We're here!"

The wrath of the shoe was brought down on Mingyu's head.





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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 878



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