EP 25

479 25 2

- Third Person POV -

"Papa! Grandma said I can stay with you for a whole week!" Chan got on his knees with a big smile.

"W-Wait... WHAT?!" Seungcheol half yelled.

"Cheol, sorry it's such short notice." Chan's grandmother walked into the room.

"Grandma!" Chan exclaimed.

"Mrs. Baek..." Seungcheol's head snapped to look at her.

"We were already in the car when I finally convinced my husband that Chan is better off with you instead of a sitter. I don't want to leave Chan with someone he doesn't know for a week." She explained.

"Where are you off to anyway?" Seungcheol asked standing up.

"My husband needs to settle a few things in his hometown. It's really no place for a child." She sighed hugging Chan.

"I see." Seungcheol nodded.

"Chan don't give your dad a hard time. Okay? Always listen to him. Grandma and Grandpa will be back soon." She cupped his face.

"Yes!" Chan beamed as she stood up.

"Cheol, are you okay? I mean, if you can't we can still go with the sitter." She asked.

"N-No. It's okay." Seungcheol thought about the pile of work he had and that he needed to take care of Chan.

Don't take it the wrong way! He loved Chan and wanted to spend time with him but... He needed to help the patients that relied on him daily. His work would keep him busy and that made him think he wasn't a capable and good dad for Chan.

"It's just that... I usually get him for a day or two. Seven days is a long time. I'm just worried." Seungcheol scratched his head doubting himself.

"Oh, you'll be fine." She assured smiling as she kept a warm hand on his shoulder. "And if you're having trouble with anything. You can always call me so don't worry."

She turned around and just as she was about to leave Seungcheol stopped her.

"Wait! Your husband. He's in the car, right?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" She asked back.

"I'd like to talk to him... About Lisa." Seungcheol gulped.

"Sorry, he's still upset over everything that's happened. Give him a bit more time. But if there's any news about my daughter. I'll tell you right away, alright?"

"I-I understand... You two have a safe trip them."

"Chan, be good. Cheol, feel free to call me anytime." She walked to the door waving as she left. "You two have fun."

"Bye!" Seungcheol smiled.

With seconds of silence, Seungcheol turned to where Chan was previously standing.

"I guess it's just you and me, Chan." Seungcheol panicked seeing Chan creak open the back door trying to slip out. "Eh?! Chan?"

"To the vet! To the vet!" He cheered trying to make a quick escape.

"Hold up, young man." Seungcheol pulled Chan into his arms. "You just got here and you're sneaking out already?"

"I'm going to vet uncle!" Chan exclaimed with a big smile. "I'll show him all my friends! Then we can play vet like last time!"

"Just like Papa, Uncle has to do work right now." Seungcheol explained. "He needs to take care of all the sick animals first so he might not be able to play with you just yet. We can go visit him when work is over, okay?"

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