EP 32

383 24 2

- Third Person POV -

"We're finally here!" Jeonghan exclaimed looking over the landscape from the observation deck.

"Breathtaking!" Wonwoo commented with a smile.

Jeonghan leaned on the railing and took in a deep breath as he let the wind carry his long hair.


"So that's why..." Seokmin laughed along with Wonwoo at Jeonghan's childishness.

"You see that over there? It has a camping spot you should definitely check out!" Seokmin pointed into a far-off distance.

"We can schedule another trip next month if you'd like." Wonwoo offered.

"Sounds great~!" Jeonghan loved it.

"Guys let's take a picture!" Wonwoo pulled out his phone.

They all gathered together to take a picture with the beautiful landscape behind them.

"Cheese!" Jeonghan exclaimed giving Wonwoo horns.

"Smile!" Seokmin exclaimed.

Wonwoo took the selfie.

"Haha! Han gave you horns!" Seokmin laughed at Wonwoo.

"Aw, my eyes were closed!" Junhui cried.

"Already having fun without us?" Jisoo walked onto the observation deck with Minghao and Chan.

"Jisoo! Ming!" Jeonghan exclaimed happy to see them.

"Hey. Been waiting long?" Jisoo asked.

"No, we actually just got here too!" Jeonghan scratched his head.

"How was your route?" Seokmin asked walking up to Jisoo.

"Great there wasn't much to do though." Jisoo chuckled taking Seokmin's hand.

"You forgot your water in my bag, you must be parched." Junhui handed Minghao his water bottle.

"Thanks." Minghao smiled blushing a little.

"..." Jeonghan looked around. He couldn't see him. "Umm... Where's Cheol?"

"There was an emergency." Minghao said.

"Mr. Lui wasn't feeling well so he went to check on him." Jisoo explained.

"I see... I hope Mr. Lui is okay." Jeonghan's voice was sad.


Chan grabbed Jeonghan's hand.

"Papa left Chan." Chan pouted seeking comfort from Jeonghan.

"Chan..." Jeonghan took Chan into his arms. "Chan, didn't you see how happy your Papa was when he found out you wanted to come with him?"

"He was?" It was almost as if Chan scoffed. It was normal for him to be left alone even after everything he did.

"Mhmm. I'm sure it hurt him to leave too..." Jeonghan hummed continuing. "But sometimes things like that happen and he has to choose one thing over another. But that doesn't mean he's leaving you or he doesn't love you, Chan."

"He's gonna try his best to catch up don't worry." Jeonghan smiled.

"Okay..." Chan played with his fingers.


In 15 minutes or so they placed out their food and gathered to replenish their lost energy.

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