EP 78 (Season 2)

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- Third Person POV -

The birds chirped in the mornings as Jeonghan sat up on his bed picking up his phone to answer the incoming call.

"Morning, Jisoo. Are you already at the clinic?" Jeonghan yawned stretching his arms as he held the phone close to his ear with the help of his shoulder.

"Morning! I'm driving to work right now. Just wanted to check in! So, what's up?" Jisoo's voice chirped from the other side and it was evident that he was smiling ear to ear with Seokmin beside him.

"I'll be late probably around an hour late." Jeonghan gulped.

"Oh yeah, sure. Good thing we don't have anything scheduled for this morning."

"One more thing, if you could get a hold of Min, tell him Cheol would most likely come in late as well."

"Han, I don't like your tone. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah..." Jeonghan wanted to look away and drop the call but he continued. "We're fine. It's just that... A lot happened last night. Mingyu and I had to stay with him"

"I see. You can leave everything to us. I'll see you later."

"Thanks again, Jisoo. Sorry for the trouble!"

"Don't mention it!"

Jeonghan sighed as the call cut. He slowly kept his phone on the table to the side as he turned to look at the sound-asleep Seungcheol hugging his blanket like a baby. A soft smile spread across his face as he moved to lay down beside him again and touched his fingers caressing them.

'I can do this now... right?' Jeonghan entangled his fingers with Seungcheol's. 'You're my boyfriend after all...'

The seconds ticked as last night's memories surfaced in his head.

'Yesterday could've been something special.' He remembered their kiss smiling wider before his eyes dropped saddening and closing. 'But all I could remember were the terrible things that happened after.'

Chan leaving. Seungcheol broken and crying. 'It hurts so much seeing you like that.'

Seungcheol blinked open to see Jeonghan's distressed face and their entangled fingers. He couldn't help but speak to draw his attention away from whatever he was thinking. "Good morning."

Jeonghan's eyes snapped open, and he jolted up with a red face. "A-Ah! Morning!"

"Ugh... Look at the time." Seungcheol chuckled sitting up beside Jeonghan as he rubbed his eyes. "Sorry, I kept you up so late with my crying that you're now late for work."

"Cheol, I won't leave you like that even if you forced me to." Jeonghan sighed feeling his heart return to it's normal pace. "How are you feeling.?"

"Honestly? Terrible. The moment where Chan was being taken away kept replaying even in my dreams. But I've calmed down. Now I have to actually start doing things to get Chan back, and hopefully for good."

"Right. Don't let his words get to you, okay? What does he know about you? Nothing. We know that you deserve Chan more than anything." Jeonghan smiled.

Seungcheol felt his heart jump at the smile. To see that the smile was directed at him for him and him only. He loved it. He took hold of Jeonghan's arm pulled him closer and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Love."

Seungcheol smiled standing up as he fixed his clothes. "The first thing I have to do is get legal help. There's a family law attorney I'll be visiting later after work."

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