EP 94

349 12 23

* I love it when you guys just litter the comment section! It's so fun to read! *

* PS: Please call Mingyu 'an idiot' as many times as you can cause he is one. Certified by Jeonghan, Soonyoung, Jihoon, and everyone else in this story. *

- Third Person POV -

"WAIT!" Mingyu yelled standing up as he saw Jihoon and Soonyoung turn around. "Please don't go..."

"You're right Jihoon. I couldn't bring myself to tell you everything. You trusted me even though you knew my past was just a string of failed relationships. However, I was like that because I just hadn't met the right person. You're the longest I've ever been with; I was sure you were the one." Mingyu held his head continuing.

"But it happened again. I started having feelings for the new people I met... and still thought of the ones I used to love. I never acted upon it but the thought ate me up inside. It felt like I was emotionally cheating on you. All my focus went to trying to drown my feelings instead of our relationship. But amidst all that, I truly loved you. I never fell out of love, not even now. In the end, I was just so tired of the emotional turmoil that I accepted that I wouldn't be able to give you what you deserve."

"So, everything you said in our last call was true?" Jihoon asked.

"Yes, all that I was able to say. Still, there was so much more that I should've said." Mingyu kept a hand on Jihoon's shoulder. "Jihoon. I'm sorry for everything. For leaving you in the dark. For never giving you closure. For not giving you the same trust you gave me."

"And you're right... I've also been doing the same to Soonyoung." Mingyu walked to Soonyoung looking into his eyes. "When we were at the beach, I told you I was afraid of making any more promises I can't keep. Because after Jihoon I've had enough. I just know that it's gonna happen again. When you asked me about my feelings, I never said that I didn't feel the same way."

Mingyu took Soonyoung's hand into his own caressing his palm. "I wish we could be more than just friends Soonyoung; I really do. But I can already see how it's gonna end up. I'll just waste your time. All I know is that both of you deserve so much more than this."

"TSK!" Soonyoung rolled his eyes.

"Ugh... This guy..." Jihoon sighed standing beside Soonyoung.

"What do you know?! Idiot!" Soonyoung scolded Mingyu.

"You think you're so smart, huh?!" Jihoon scolded Mingyu realizing Soonyoung was speaking. "Sorry, what were you trying to say?"

"Ah, no. Please go ahead."

"Sigh... Fine, let's get him water first, looks like actually talking about his feelings took a toll on him."

"We can talk upstairs. I think Mrs. Boo can hear us from here."


Seconds later they were upstairs sitting on the couch and Mingyu had a glass of water.

"Look, I don't even know where to start. What you just told me is something that takes months to process. But that's not an excuse to keep it all to yourself. I fell in love with your sincerity, Mingyu, promises of a perfect happily ever after. It wouldn't take much for me to believe you if you just told me everything. I wouldn't mind looking for a solution with you either because the relationship doesn't fall on your shoulders alone. Even if it turns out that what's suited for you might not be suited for you, at least the friendship that will come right after will be more honest. Your turn, Soonyoung. I know you have a lot to say too." Jihoon finished.

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