EP 27

424 22 0

- Third Person POV -

The Organic's Market

"Snitches get stiches and end up in diches." Minghao folded his hands looking at Jeonghan and Seungcheol angrily.

"Ack!" Jeonghan was scared.

"Haha! I think I just peed myself a little just now." Seungcheol scratched his head trying to shift the blame on Jeonghan. "To tell you the truth, it was Han who threw me under the bus fist."

"It was more of a cry for help!" Jeonghan exclaimed in disbelief. "You're the one who's all charming and friendly with everyone. I figured you'd know what to do."

"Ooh, giving compliments now, are we? Did your relationship just level up?" Seungcheol smirked. "Okay, neighbors to amicable acquaintances sounds about right!"

"Yeah, sure go off." Jeonghan pushed Seungcheol away blushing as he looked away.

"Calm down, guys. He's just joking. Ming doesn't do that anymore! We actually don't mind volunteering. It's the least we could do." Junhui smiled showing Chan around the market.

Minghao nodded.

"We'll be there on Sunday." Junhui smiled and approached Jeonghan with a big bag that had the sunflowers he'd picked out along with a few other things. "Also, Ming and I prepared some toys and snacks for Chow... To help a little with the expense.

"Thank you! He'll love this! You guys should definitely drop by when you have the time." Jeonghan smiled.

"We will!" Junhui exclaimed.

"Chan, come on! It's time to head back!" Seungcheol called out for Chan as Jeonghan watched.

Chan ran up to Seungcheol holding up a red plum tomato.

"Papa! Let's buy this!"

"What do you have here?" Seungcheol bent down to Chan's height.

"Tomoatomatomato!" Chan exclaimed with sparkling eyes and a big smile. "Grandma makes spaghetti with it!"

"Do you want to eat spaghetti?" Seungcheol asked taking the tomato.

"Mhmm!" Chan nodded.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to make spaghetti. Why don't we just eat out?" Seungcheol scratched his cheek.

"Huh?" Jeonghan looked down at Seungcheol angrily. "Am I hearing this right? 31 years old and can't cook something as simple as spaghetti?"

"If you're so great! Why don't you cook it?!" Seungcheol felt scared.

"Heh! Maybe I will." Jeonghan scoffed. "Do you want me to cook for you, Chan?"

"Yes! Please!" Chan exclaimed.

"Junhui, we'll take the tomatoes and a few other ingredients." Jeonghan smiled.

"Take your pick!" Junhui showed Jeonghan around.

And once they were done...

"Bye! See you Sunday!" Junhui waved with Minghao.

"Thanks! See you then!" Seungcheol smiled.

...Seungcheol drove Jeonghan to his home...


Jeonghan's house while Mrs. Boo when out to her friend's house for the night.

Chan played with Chow in the living room while Seungcheol and Jeonghan cooked in the kitchen.

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