EP 58

423 26 7

- Third Person POV -

Knock! Knock!

Seungcheol knocked on Mrs. Baek's house.


The door creaked open.

"Ah! There you are, Chan was starting to get impatient." Mrs. Baek smiled.

"Sorry, it was raining so hard so we had to slow down a bit." Seungcheol smiled back scratching his head.

"Hi! Papa!" Chan popped out from behind his grandmother. "Waaah! Vet Uncle is also here!"

(~A: Chanie! I missed you so much! Who else missed Chanie?)

"I've missed you, Chan!" Jeonghan bent down opening his arms for Chan to run into.

"Me too!" Chan jumped into Jeonghan's arms giggling. "Did uncle bring puppies I can pet?"

"Haha! No, I don't carry puppies around in my pocket, Chan. But you'll be able to pet some tomorrow for sure!" Jeonghan booped Chan's nose with a big smile.

"Oh, so you're the Uncle Chan keeps talking about?" Mrs. Baek asked.

"Yeah, I guess that's me. Jeonghan. But I go by Han, nice to meet you." Jeonghan grinned standing up with Chein in his arms.

"I'm Chan's grandma, Nadia Baek, nice to meet you too." With a pause, Nadia looked at Seungcheol. "Oh, I just remembered something my daughter mentioned... According to her, you also dated men. So are you two perhaps..."

Jeonghan went through a circuit fuse. "N-No! It's not like that! We're good friends, Ma'am a-and neighbors!"

"I don't mind the question... I'm just concerned because you sounded a little worried there." Seungcheol's voice was cold and angry like his expression. "What if that was the case? Will that be a problem?"

"Chan, why don't you show me around the yard?" Jeonghan asked knowing it was his cue to leave.

"Okay!" Chan exclaimed.

"No, no! It's no problem. As long as you're good people it doesn't matter to me. As for my husband though... Well, you know how he is. He's a little more traditional. It would be best if you keep something like this to yourself for the time being. Let's not drop it on him all at once. I'm sure he'll come around if we can make him understand slowly."

"How can we do that when he won't even come out and face me? Sometimes I wonder why I was even called here cause all he does is act hostile towards me."

"Cheol, you know it's not like that. You deserve to know Chan and get the chance to be a father."

"That's you. I don't think your husband is on the same page as us." Seungcheol held back his anger. "Can I talk to him right now?"

"He's out of town."

"Tell him I've already followed his request to try and wait for Lisa first before doing anything. It's been months, I think it's safe to say that she doesn't plan on coming back. We need to start working on legal papers, we can't keep stalling like this." Seungcheol turned around.

"O-Okay, I'll bring it up. Chan should be back by Monday, okay?"

"Monday? Won't Tuesday work?"

"No sorry. It has to be Monday."

"Okay, I'll see if I can."

"It was great meeting you." Jeonghan smiled.

"Bye! Bye! Grandma!" Chan waved.

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