EP 73

271 14 0

- Third Person POV –

"Uncle Min! Uncle Min!" Chan exclaimed in Seungcheol's clinic.

"Chan!" Seokmin looked down at Chan from his chair. "Oh my! Look at you, you're so cute!"

"Guess what I am today, Uncle Min!" Chan asked with his green dinosaur hat on.

"Mhmm... Let's see." Seokmin took Chan into his arms. "The most adorable litter green bear!"

"Uncle Min is a grown-up but doesn't know animals?" Chan was disappointed.

"Huh? You're not a bear?" Seokmin acted.

"I'm a dinosaur!"

"There's a spare change of clothes in his bad just in case, okay?" Seungcheol handed the bad to Mingyu.

"Yeah, I've got it. It's the third time you've told me." Mingyu chuckled taking Chan's hand as Seokmin let him go. "Alright, say goodbye to your Papa now. We'll be back in a few hours."

"Bye Papa! Bye Uncle Min!" Chan waved excitedly.

"Have fun you two!" Seokmin waved to him.

"I'll pick you guys up after work. Keep me updated Mingyu." Seungcheol sighed.

"Yeah, don't worry!" Mingyu smiled leaving with Chan.

"Oh man, I wanna hang out with them so bad..." Seokmin sighed.

Seungcheol looked out of his window spotting a certain Yoon Jeonghan who happened to make eye contact with him before becoming a blushing mess running away.

'He's cute when he's flustered, just like last night. ...I hope he's not too preoccupied by what I said.' Seungcheol dived into his thoughts.


"Where are we going?" Chan asked holding Mingyu's hand as they walked down the street turning a corner.

"Your Dad mentioned that you wanted to see the playground so why don't we go there first?" Mingyu smiled as they approached the said destination.


"See there!"

"See there!"

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"What do you think?"

"Awesome!" Chan exclaimed running inside pulling Mingyu with him. "Look at that slide! It's blue!"


"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Ah! Slow down, kiddo!"

In a few seconds, Chan was on top of the slide ready to come down. "I'm so high up!"

"Careful now!"

"Yes!" Chan jumped before sitting down as he spotted a building ahead of him. "Uncle! Over there! What's that big yellow building?"

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