EP 63

287 16 2

- Third Person POV -


"So cute!"

"Oh my gosh!"

"Shhh, you'll wake her up."

"Woah! This is so cool! It's like a town fair!" Junhui was very, very excited. "Look at all the stalls! It's awesome that they got the small businesses in on it. It's a great way to get the people together."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be this big of an event." Minghao sighed crossing his arms as he looked around to spot Wonwoo. "Wonwoo, you're here too."

"Adopting a puppy or two?" Junhui asked.

"Hello! Well, I'm actually here on duty. You know peace and order and all that." Wonwoo sighed. "Speaking of which, I need to coordinate with Mingyu first. Have you guys seen him around?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing, officer." Koko popped out of nowhere.

"Oh! Miss Koko!"

"We were hoping that he was already with you. I guess he really isn't here yet." Koko got sad.

"We have to start soon, where is that guy?!" Jeonghan on the other hand was freaking out!!!

"Doctor Choi!"

"CHIO!!!" Jeonghan corrected.


"Is he answering your calls?" Jeonghan stomped over.

"No, sorry. Maybe you can do the opening remarks instead, Doctor?"

"Do you want me to throw up on stage?!"

"Wait, do you guys know where he's staying? Maybe we should check on him personally?" Wonwoo suggested.


On the other hand, Seokmin and Jisoo laughed through their commotion as they handed out flyers together.

"Looks like everyone's on edge because of Mingyu." Seokmin looked around.

"Here you go, Mam!" Jisoo smiled handing out a flyer before he turned to Seokmin. "Han told me about Mingyu leaving Cheol's house last night, is that true?"


"He wouldn't skip this because of that would he?"

"No, I don't think so. Mingyu is better than that. He'll turn up soon."


And with those words a few minutes later the motorcycle engine was heard loud and clear throughout the park.

"There's Mingyu!" Junhui exclaimed.

"Who's that with him?" Minghao raised an eyebrow at Soonyoung.

While on the other hand, Jeonghan was beyond confused. "Soonyoung? Huh? But why?"

As for Soonyoung an Mingyu...

"Hyung is glaring at me right now, isn't he? I should just go." Soonyoung did not dare take his helmet off.

"More like confused. He's probably just wondering why you're here."

"Or why we showed up together!" Soonyoung panicked.

"MINGYU!" Jeonghan yelled.

"Stay, okay? I'll get back to you after this!" Mingyu smiled at Soonyoung as he walked over to Jeonghan.

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