Ep 64

289 16 8

- Third Person POV -

Minghao stared at a cat very intensely and after seconds. "I love him. I can't live without him."

"And it looks like he likes you too." Jisoo chuckled. "But you live with your sister, right? Would she be okay with this?"

"Ah, we live together in a new place now." Minghao pointed at Junhui.

"Don't say it so casually!!!" Junhui pouted.

"I see, congrats to both of you then!" Jisoo chuckled. "I'll pass you to Koko so she can walk you through the application and evaluation. I'm sure you'll make great pet owners!"


"Thanks, Wonwoo, I appreciate your help." Mingyu smiled.

"No problem, I'll be here all day." Wonwoo smiled.

Mingyu nodded and walked behind Wonwoo passing him to a wall.

"Huh?" Out of nowhere, a hand pulled Mingyu behind the wall. "Ack!"

It was Soonyoung who pulled Mingyu and then pinned him to the wall.

"Wow, look who stayed. I honestly didn't expect you to actually listen to me." Mingyu smirked.

"I'm not here just because you told me to. Don't flatter yourself." Soonyoung rolled his eyes.

"Okay? Why are you here then?"

"I want to apologize to Hyung..."

"But didn't I tell you to do that too?"

"Well, I didn't listen to you the first time. I decided through self-reflection, so you don't get points for it." Soonyoung blushed looking away. "I have reasons why I said what I said to him. But I completely disregarded his feelings. I didn't realize how much Hyung was hurting, and my words just added salt to the wound. It's not what he needed. Hyung probably wanted me by his side after it happened, but I was nowhere to be found. I don't want to do that anymore. I'm not leaving again just because It got a little messy, I want to let him know that I want to be here for him now."

"Very touching! Now go tell him all that." Mingyu chuckled.

"You're coming with me."

"For moral support?"

"In case he asks why we arrived together!"

"Alright, I'll tell him we both found ourselves there because we needed a place to spend the night. No need to give too much info."

"Fine, as long as you say it." Soonyoung backed away folding his hands.

"Sure, I still have things to do so let's make it quick."

"Yeah, let's find him."

"He's supposed to be stationed at the plaza so..." Mingyu peeked from behind the wall.

"There!" Soonyoung peeked from behind Mingyu spotting Jeonghan in seconds with Seungcheol and Chan. "Hey, isn't that your friend you had beef with?"

"It's not like that!"

Mingyu saw Seungcheol and Chan laughing together he did not know the feeling that had settled in his stomach. He did not know.

"So are we going there or what?" Soonyoung asked.

"Can it wait until the even is over?"

"Why? Because of your friend?"

"Not entirely..." Mingyu pointed at the extremely happy Jeonghan spending time with his crush. "Do you really want to interfere with that right now?"

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