Chapter 1

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I jolt awake to the sound of  mom's voice echoing down the hall.

"Lily, wake up! It's 7:50, and you'll miss your moving-in slot at 9:30!"

Could she be any louder?

I turn to the side of my bed where dad's picture sits on the side table and smile weakly. His kind eyes and warm smile stare back at me from the photograph, a distant memory of a time when our family felt more whole.

"Your girl's a university student now, daddy. Wish me luck?" I whisper, my voice trembling slightly.

I often wonder how different things would be if he were still here. Mum wouldn't have had to carry the weight of being both parents, and maybe she wouldn't have been so absent. I touch the frame gently, as if by doing so, I could somehow feel his presence.

With that, I shuffle out of bed, groggy and disoriented, slipping on my slippers making my way to the bathroom.

I glance at my reflection and can't help but cringe at the sight.

Drool marks cling stubbornly to the corner of my mouth, and eye boogers gather in the inner corners of my eyes. I look like a tired mess, a far cry from the put-together image I'd hoped for on moving day.

As I try to wipe away the evidence of my deep sleep, Mom's voice filters in again, this time tinged with  sarcasm.

"You're in university, Lily. I didn't think you still needed me as your human alarm clock," she jokes from across the hall.

Rolling my eyes, I step into the shower, letting the hot water cascade over me, a welcome relief for my tense muscles. The warmth soothes my body, and I close my eyes for a moment of relaxation.

Suddenly, a strained voice breaks through my peaceful moment, muffled by the sound of the water pelting against my skin and the shower pan.

"LILY GARCIA, IT IS 8 O'CLOCK!" Mum's voice echoes bursting into the bathroom, jolting me back to reality.

"Mum! Privacy!" I call out as steam fills the air.

"For goodness' sake, hurry it up," she adds impatiently before bustling out of the bathroom, leaving me to finish my shower with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

Mum, Ms. Elena Garcia, a superhero in her own right, saving lives everyday in the ER but hardly around.

Growing up, it felt like I was living in two worlds: the one where my mum was a fierce, unstoppable force in the hospital, and the one where she was a tired, often absent figure at home. She always seemed to be on call, rushing out at odd hours to save someone's life. But despite her absence, I admired her dedication and the lives she touched.

Realizing I've been indulging in the shower longer than I should have, I step out, enter my room and quickly scan through my wardrobe for something to wear.

It's my first day at university, so I need to make a good impression. I stand in front of my wardrobe, mentally sifting through my options. Should I go for something chic and sophisticated? Maybe a sleek black dress and ankle boots? Or perhaps something more laid-back and approachable, like a floral sundress?

After a few minutes of indecision, I finally decide on faded blue mom jeans paired with an oversized cream sweater. Tousling my brown locks into loose waves, I pin back a few strands with a simple hair clip. A swipe of tinted lip balm and minimal makeup completes the ensemble, striking a balance between casual and put together.

It's a stark contrast from my appearance when I rolled out of bed this morning.

I make my way downstairs, following the inviting aroma of breakfast that my mom has prepared. As I enter the kitchen, I'm greeted by the sight of steaming pancakes and fresh fruit bowl on the table.

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