Chapter 26

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Finn's POV

17 years ago – '6 year old Finn'

It's raining really heavily, and the thunder is roaring outside. Scaring me and Mr. Dinosaur, I get up from my bed and grab him and head over to mummy and daddy's room.

"Mummy?" I say pushing the door open and I see daddy sitting on the edge of his bed reading a paper.

"Finn?" his eyes look at me, he looks like he's crying but that can't be, daddy doesn't cry. He's strong.

"Did the thunder wake you up?" he asks dropping the paper on the bed and walking towards me.

"Where's mummy?" I ask.

He's eyes get wet again, "Mummy's not around"

"When is she coming back?" I ask

"Not anytime-" he starts but I run out of his room, looking for mummy.

"Mummy !" I look everywhere, in the room where she makes all the yummy treats and in the room, where she puts her coats but she's not there.

Where did mummy go?

Present Day

Brown eyes, mole under her eye and a face that used to make all the pain go away, there she stood after 17 years, my mother. I can't help the tears that cloud my vision as I take in her appearance. She looks older, more worn, but those familiar features are unmistakable.

"Mum," I choke out, my voice thick with emotion.

She smiles through her own tears, and it's like a dam breaking inside me. All the years of wondering, of feeling abandoned, come rushing back, but so does the overwhelming sense of love I've always had for her.

"I'm here, Finley," she says softly, reaching out to touch my face. "I've missed you so much."

Her touch is warm and gentle, and I feel like a child again, seeking comfort in my mother's arms. I pull her into a tight embrace, not caring about the people around us or the curious glances we might be getting. All that matters is that my mother is here, right in front of me.

Lily stands a few steps back, giving us space but watching with a tender, supportive expression. Her presence is a grounding force amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

"Mum, why now?" I manage to ask, pulling back slightly to look into her eyes. "Why did you leave?"

She looks down, the guilt and sadness etched into her features. "I made mistakes, Finn. I thought it was best for everyone, but I was wrong. I've been trying to find you, to make things right."

I nod, swallowing hard. "I needed you, Mum. I needed you all those years."

Her face crumples, and she hugs me tighter. "I know, sweetheart. But I'm here now, and I want to be a part of your life if you'll let me."

I glance over at Lily, who steps forward, her hand finding mine. She gives me a reassuring squeeze.

"Mum, this is Lily," I say, my voice steadier now. "She's my girlfriend."

Mum turns to Lily, her eyes softening even more. "Lily, it's wonderful to meet you."

Lily smiles warmly. "It's lovely to meet you too."

"I'm staying at the Premier Inn Hotel," mum turns her attention back to me, "I'm in town for the week, please come over so we can catch up properly, I'll leave your name at the front desk."

I exchange a glance with Lily, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me. Part of me is hesitant, still processing the sudden reappearance of my mother after all these years. But another part of me, the part that's been longing for closure and reconciliation, knows that I need to take this opportunity.

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