Chapter 38

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Finn POV

The drive to Lily's house feels endless and agonizing. My mind races with everything I want to say, rehearsing the words over and over again. I even bought flowers—lilies, for my Lily—hoping they might convey what my words struggle to.

As I finally pull up to her house, my heart pounds in my chest. I step out of the car, clutching the bouquet tightly, and begin pacing on the sidewalk. Each passing minute feels like an eternity. The fear of rejection gnaws at me, but I know I have to do this. I have to see her, to try and make things right.

When I see her approaching, my breath catches. She looks surprised, hesitant, and I can't blame her. I'm standing here, a mess of nerves, holding onto a fragile hope.

"Butterfly" I say, stepping forward, extending the lilies to her, my hand shaking slightly as she accepts them.

"Lilies?" she asked, her cheeks tinting to a light shade of pink.

"Yeah," I say rubbing the back of my head, "Lilies for my Lily" I mumble.

Her voice is steady, but I can see the conflict in her eyes. "Finn, what are you doing here?" she shakes her head, "No, how'd you know I was here?"

"Jen," I laugh lightly , "Though it took convincing from Kai, apparently he's going to do something in bed along with some cosplay" I say, causing her to let out a slight laugh and its music to my ears, it's been so long since I heard her laugh.

"No way," she giggles, before her mood changes again.

"Can we talk" We both say at the same time, causing us to laugh again.

"Let's sit here," she says, motioning to the bench on the porch.

We sit down, and the silence between us is thick. The afternoon breeze cools around us, carrying the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers. The sun is setting, casting a warm, golden hue over everything. I glance at Lily, her face bathed in the soft light, and I'm reminded of why I fell in love with her in the first place.

Her fingers gently brushing the petals slightly, avoiding eye contact.

"Butterfly, I've been a mess without you" I start, "I'm so sorry about everything, the lies, Rachel. Everything"

Her eyes lock onto mine, and I can see the hurt and confusion swirling within them. "Finn," she begins softly, but I reach over and gently squeeze her hand interrupting her.

The small gesture sends a shiver down my spine, it's electric our touch. When was the last time I was this close to her?

"I love you," I say my eyes searching hers, "I love you so much, please give me another chance"

"I..." she starts "I love you too, but you hurt me Finn" her voice trembling and a tear escapes.

"You lied, and you broke my trust"

I reach out and wipe the fallen tear, "I know, baby and I'm so sorry for hurting you."

She takes a deep breath "Finn, trust isn't something that can be easily rebuilt. It's not just about saying you're sorry."

"I understand," I reply, my voice thick with emotion. "I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust back.

She looks down at the lilies, then back at me. "Why now? Why did you wait so long?"

"I was scared," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "I was afraid that you wouldn't want to see me, that it was too late. But being away from you has made me realize that I'd rather face that fear than live without you."

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