Chapter 34

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Finn's POV

The door closes behind Lily, her final words echoing in my mind like a haunting refrain.

My chest feels hollow, and the weight of my mistakes presses down on me like a leaden shroud. I stand there, numb, unable to move or think clearly.

"No, I can't do this," ... "I think we should take a break."

Her words replay in my mind, each one sharper than the last. I can't believe I've driven her away through my own cowardice and stupidity. I slide down the door, my head in my hands, feeling the tears welling up.

How did I let this happen? I was so afraid of losing her that I ended up doing exactly what I feared most. My mind races with regret and guilt. I know I have to make things right, but how? Her hurt and anger are justified, and I can't blame her for walking away.

"Goddammit, Finn," I mutter to myself, tears streaming down my face. "You really fucked up this time."

I pull out my phone, my fingers trembling as I open the messaging app. I hover over Lily's name, the screen blurred by my tears. I want to send her a message, to apologize again, to beg for another chance, but I know it won't be enough. Words alone won't fix this. I need to show her I'm serious about making things right.

Wiping my face, I take a deep breath and open my contacts, scrolling until I find Rachel's name. Anger and frustration boil inside me. She played a part in this mess, whether intentionally or not, and I need to set things straight with her.

I dial her number, and after a few rings, Rachel answers, her voice cheerful. "Hey, Finn! What's up? Don't tell me you need your cutlery back, I've barely started eating ..."

"Rachel," I interrupt my voice hardening. "We need to talk. Now."

There's a pause on the other end before she replies, her tone cautious. "Okay... what's going on?"

"Can you come over?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Yeah ... sure " she replies, her tone giving way to a bit of uncertainty.

"Good," I say, and hang up, not waiting for her to say anything else. I sit there, waiting, my thoughts a chaotic mess.

When Rachel arrives, I open the door and step aside, letting her in without a word. She looks at me, concern etched on her face. "Finn, what's wrong?"

"Looks like you and Lily were in a tense position earlier?" she says.

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my anger in check. "Lily broke up with me," I say flatly.

Rachel's eyes widen in shock.

"Don't tell me, she left you because I moved into the building?" She laughs lightly, waving her hand dismissively but there's a glimmer of happiness edged to it. "That's a bit dramatic."

"This isn't a joke, Rachel," I snap, my voice harsher than I intended. "She left because she thinks you have feelings for me, along with the photos on Instagram and your overall behaviour"

I rub my temples in frustration.

We've been friends for years, and this situation is spiralling out of control.

Instead of her to object, her expression softens like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders and she looks up at me with a mix of determination and vulnerability.

"Would it be so bad if I did?" she asks, her voice steady, ignoring the last part of what I said

I take a step back, startled by her boldness. "What are you saying, Rachel?"

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