Chapter 6

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I wake up to the buzzing of my phone, Kam's text message lighting up the screen.

'Meet me at the Library Cafe ASAP'Kam

With a stretch and a yawn, I quickly get ready for the day ahead. Opting for something cute and casual, I slip into a floral sundress and a pair of white sneakers. A denim jacket completes the look, adding a touch of laid-back charm.

I glance at Jennie's bed, and she's fast asleep, snoring ever so loudly. I need to buy earplugs; I chuckle to myself.

After styling my hair into a half-up ponytail, I head out, the crisp morning air refreshing as I make my way to campus. As I enter the library café, I spot Kam seated at our usual spot, Shawn beside her, their heads bent close in conversation.

Well, they look awfully close. Making a mental note to ask Kam about their relationship update, I sit down, and they both turn their heads and smile.

Kam slides a warm beverage towards me, "Caramel Latte, with extra cream and extra caramel syrup," she smiles.

"Thanks," I smile as I take a sip out of the warm beverage, yeah, this hits the spot.

"So what was so urgent you messaged me early in the morning?" I raise my brow. "It better be good; I don't have classes till 1:15 pm, and I'm here at 10 am," I continue.

"Well, Shawn has something to say," she says while elbowing his side. "Right Shawn."

He winces. "That hurts," and she just stares daggers at him. He quickly adjusts himself and starts, "Finn wasn't part of the bet," he confesses. "I think he genuinely likes you and wants to get to know you better."

"Okay, but how did Rachel know we slept together then?" I ask.

"Rachy was —" Kam stares at him. "I mean Rachel, was at our flat when Finn was talking to me. She may have overheard. Honestly, screws go loose in her head anytime Finn mentioned a girl. It's like her psycho goes into overdrive." he shrugs, grabbing his flavoured water to sip.

"Well, that's a new level of possessiveness," I mutter, feeling a knot forming in my stomach. "So, you're saying Rachel heard it by accident?"

Shawn nods, "Yeah,  I think she's always had a thing for Finn, though she denies it. But I can tell you for certain he doesn't feel the same way. She probably reacted without thinking."

I take another sip of my latte, trying to process everything. "So, what do you want me to do about it?"

Shawn shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "Well I thought ..." he starts but Kam glares at him before he clears his throat. "We thought you should know the truth. Finn is a good guy, and he likes you for real. Maybe give him a chance, without all the drama clouding your judgment."

I nod slowly, processing his words. "That helps clear things up, but why didn't he reach out after we slept together? I mean, I'm not usually the clingy type after a one-night stand, but completely disappearing—well, that would hurt even the toughest of girls."

Shawn looks a bit guilty, but that quickly fades away. "It's complicated, it not that he didn't want to" he replies cryptically.

I feel like there's more to the story, but I don't want to pry. Yet, curiosity gets the better of me. "Complicated how?" I ask, trying to keep my tone light. "Was it just a hit and quit?"

I sip my latte, patiently waiting for Shawn's reaction.

"Look, it's not my place to tell," he sighs, leaning back in his chair. "But you should talk to Finn. He owes you an explanation, not me. I can tell you this much, though—he genuinely finds you attractive."

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