Chapter 33

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{Tip:- Listen to the song (Love is Gone - Slander ) attached for mega feels in this chapter, I am sorry in advance for the emotions that may swirl in you.}

Lily's POV 

"Lily," Finn says, his voice full of shock.

"We met in the elevator," Rachel interjects smoothly, glancing at me. "She didn't know I moved into the building."

She takes the cutlery from Finn's hands. "Thank you," she sing-songs, turning to leave. Then she pauses and looks back at me.

"I'm planning a housewarming party soon. I couldn't do it before because a lot of my friends were out of town. Please come," she smiles, then turns to Finn, "Give her my apartment number, hope to see you both there" she adds with a slight giggle before walking away.

"Lily, um—" he starts, flustered, "are you okay? why'd you come over?"

I just stare at him, trying to collect my thoughts. Disbelief and anger settling in the pit of my stomach. I feel sick.

"Butterfly, come in," he says again, and I step inside. He closes the door behind me, and I keep staring at him, unsure of where to begin.

Do I ask him about Rachel moving in? Do I bring up the photos on Instagram? Do I mention the fact that he lied about who made the juice?

"Lily," he calls my for the third time, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Rachel said she lives here?" I finally say, looking him directly in the eyes. I went with the more direct question, that deserves an answer to. Why was I not told that she's living here, it's not like this is something that can be casually ignored.

"She must have moved here because the commute is closer to the university," he explains, stumbling over his words. "Though I didn't know she moved here."

"You didn't know she moved here, but she comes over to borrow things?" I ask, "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Finn's face flushes, and he sighs rubbing the back of his neck. "No, of course not."

"Then why didn't you mention she moved in?" I demand, my tone calm but my frustration spilling over.

" I ..." he starts, but I raise my hand causing him to not say anything further.

"If you lie to me, we are done" I say and I repeat the question, "Why did you not tell me she moved in?"

"I didn't think it was important," he says quietly, running a hand through his hair. "Rachel's just a friend, and I didn't want to upset you over something that seemed trivial."

"Trivial?" I let out a humourless laugh, "This isn't trivial, Finn. She's been acting like there's more between you two, and now I find out she's living here, and you didn't even tell me. How am I supposed to trust you?"

"I swear, I kept it from you because I thought it would only cause unnecessary problems," Finn says, his voice trembling with guilt. He nervously runs a hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact.

"Unnecessary problems? Well, congratulations, Finn. Your silence has turned it into a massive problem. You should have been honest from the start." I say, my voice trembling with anger. My fists clench, and I take a step closer, eyes burning with intensity.

Finn's face reddens with frustration. "I was trying to avoid exactly this, Lily!" he gestures between the both of us "I didn't want you to get upset over nothing."

"Nothing?" I echo, incredulous. "You think hiding something like this is nothing? If it was really nothing, why lie about it?"

"Lily, I was going to tell you, after I spoke to my dad, during the Easter break." He yells.

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