Chapter 21

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Lily's POV

Two Weeks Later

Finn's been coming over more frequently, we haven't taken our relationship to the next stage yet – we both agreed it was too soon after the whole debacle to start dating and honestly, I'm starting to doubt my decision. Though now, I'm on a strict NO DISTRACTIONS BAN, aka no Finn Brooks, until my exams are over.

The exam season is upon us, and the campus has been basically like a graveyard with students studying for the finals and I'm no exception there, I've been living off mainly coffee and energy drinks and I know if my heart could speak, I'd get a tongue lashing.

That's the least of my worries, though. I heard from Shawn that Nate came back early from his internship, almost a month ahead of schedule. I don't know why, but I haven't seen him around campus. I suspect he's avoiding me.

"Have you heard from Nate?" Jennie asked as we lounged in the living room.

Kam, never one to hold back, chimed in before I could answer.

"Why would you even want to talk to him after the way he acted at the party? I'm not excusing cheating, but how he treated you was awful."

"He was hurt, Kam," I replied. "I don't blame him, honestly." She scoffed at my response.

Just then, a knock on the door diverted our conversation. I opened it to find Finn standing there with his warm smile, instantly making me feel relieved.

"Hey," he greeted softly, pulling me into a hug and kissing my temple.

"Hey," I replied, smiling genuinely as I stepped aside to let him in.

"What are you doing here?" I teased, "You know I said no contact till after my exams"

Who am I kidding, I've missed him since that stupid ban. I'm happy one of us had no self-restraint.

"I wanted to see you, plus a good distraction doesn't hurt anyone" he said, smiling as he walked into the apartment.

"You two might as well be dating already," Kam remarked with an eye roll.

"Loverboy, I always knew you were trouble," Jennie laughed as soon as she saw Finn, finishing her drink.

A phone rang, and it was Kam's. "Speaking of lover boys," she laughed. "Hi babe," she started, walking out of the room to talk with Shawn.

"Alright, I'm heading out" Jen says dropping her mug in the sink and heading towards the door.

"You two behave," she adds with a wink, disappearing out of the door.

"She's speaking to you," I glance at Finn and tug him into my room.

"Says the girl pulling me into her room," he retorts with a playful grin, letting himself be led.

We enter my room, the familiar space, closing the door behind us, I turn to face Finn, a smile playing on my lips.

"Guess she has a point," I tease, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Finn chuckles, his hands finding their place on my hips. "Maybe she does. But I can't say I mind being here," he replies, leaning in to press a soft kiss on my lips.

My heart flutters at his touch, the warmth spreading through me. "Neither do I," I admit and lean back to kiss him.


Finn's POV

The taste of caramel and mints plays on my tongue as Lily deepens the kiss trying to assert dominance. I let out a soft chuckle and my hand finds its way to her hair, grabbing a fist full, I tug on it lightly and she lets out a pleased moan as I regain control of the kiss.

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