Chapter 37

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Lily's POV

"Lillianna, it's been ages !" Gabriella squeezes my cheeks before pulling me into a soul crushing hug.

Gabriella, mum's best friend, the only person who calls me by my full name and works as a cardiac surgeon in the same hospital as mum.

I came back to Birmingham, last night but I couldn't see Mum cause she was working the graveyard shift, so I decided to come to the hospital this late-morning to drop off pastries for her and her co-workers.

"Easy Gabby" Mum laughs, "Any tighter and you'll end up causing internal damage!"

Gabriella releases me, still beaming. "Oh shush" she says turning to mum before back to me "It's so good to see you, Lillianna. How have you been?"

"I'm ..." I hesitate and muster a fake smile "doing well. I just missed my mum and I thought she could use a pick-me -up" I reply latching onto mum's arm and resting my head on her shoulder.

Mum looks at me and smiles. "Thanks, darling," she says, taking the plastic bag from my hand. She then turns to her nurse seated at the reception desk. "Please set this up in the break room for everyone," she smiles.

The nurse nods, shooting me a grateful smile, which I return.

Gabriella smiles, and just then, a loud pager sound interrupts us. She picks up a device from her white coat. "Oh, that's me " she says with a smile. "Lovely seeing you again, Lillianna. Come visit more often."

I smile at her, " I will."

As Gabriella hurries off, Mum turns to me, her expression softening. "Now," she says, "care to tell me the real reason you're home?"

I sigh, feeling the tears sting at my eyes and they start to gloss over. There's just something about when your mum asks you if everything is okay, you just want to break down.

"Mum," I begin, my voice trembling, "everything's just a mess right now. Finn and I broke up, and I just couldn't handle being in Harrington anymore."

"Finn?" Mum asks, confused, "Wait the boy who came over for Christmas" she asks and I nod in response.

"Weren't you dating that other boy, Nate?" she questions, and I realize I haven't updated her in three months, talk less of Ava – who I know I will be getting an earful eventually.

Mum pulls me into a tight hug, her warmth and familiarity offering some comfort. "Oh, whatever ... sweetheart, I'm so sorry. You should have called me."

"I didn't want to worry you," I say, my voice muffled against her shoulder.

She pulls back slightly, looking into my eyes. "I'm your mother. It's my job to worry. Let's get you out of here and have a proper talk."

We walk out of the hospital and head to a nearby park. Once we're seated on a bench, Mum drapes her arm over my shoulder and I rest my head on her. "Tell me everything."

I take a deep breath and begin to recount from when Finn and I first met – minus the sex of course – the cabin trip, the past few weeks, the encounter with Rachel in the bathroom, to the insta posts and to the confrontation with Finn at his apartment – everything. Mum listens intently, her head resting on mine as she gently rubs my shoulder with her thumb.

"Like ... why did he lie" I say sniffing and wiping my tears away.

Mum takes a deep breath, her voice soft but firm. "Sweetheart, lying is never a good thing. It breaks trust, and trust is the foundation of any relationship. When someone lies, it's often because they're scared or unsure of how to handle the truth. It doesn't make it right, but it can sometimes help to understand why they did it."

I look up at her, my eyes searching for answers. "But why would he lie to me, Mum? If he loves me, why didn't he just tell me the truth?"

She gently cups my face in her hands, wiping away a stray tear with her thumb. "People make mistakes, even the ones we love. If Finn truly loves you, he should be willing to admit his mistakes and work on rebuilding that trust. It won't be easy, and it won't happen overnight. You need to decide if you believe in him enough to give him that chance."

I nod slowly, absorbing her words. "But what if I can't trust him again?"

Mum smiles softly, her eyes filled with understanding. "That's something only you can decide, my dear. Trust is earned, and it can be rebuilt, but it takes time and effort from both sides. If you choose to stay with him, you need to be honest with yourself about your feelings and set clear boundaries. And remember, it's okay to put yourself first. Your happiness and peace of mind are the most important things."

"You know ..." I say adjusting myself so I can look at her, "I really just want what you and dad had, that perfect love. But I think that also played apart in my breakup, my unrealistic expectations."

Mum laughs softly, shaking her head. "Oh, darling, our love was far from perfect. We had our fair share of ups and downs."

I look at her surprised, "But the stories, you told and your journals."

She smiles wistfully. "We were happy, but it wasn't without challenges. We had arguments, misunderstandings, and moments when we didn't know if we'd make it. But we chose to work through it together. Love isn't about being perfect; it's about being willing to stick together through the imperfections."

I nod slowly, absorbing her words. "I guess I never realized that."

Mum squeezes my hand. "You'll find your own version of love, Lily. It might not look like what I had with your dad, and that's okay. What matters is that it's real and it makes you happy."

Tears spill over again, but this time they're mixed with a sense of clarity. "Thanks, Mum. I needed to hear that."

She smiles warmly. "Anytime, darling." Just as she finishes, her pager rings.

Mum glances at it, then back at me with an apologetic smile. "Duty calls. I have to get back to work."

I nod, wiping my tears. "I understand."

She gives me a quick hug. "I love you honey."

As she hurries off, I slump against the bench, feeling a bit more at peace. Mum's words linger in my mind. I need to talk to Finn. I pick up my phone but hesitate, my finger hovering over his contact before I drop it back down, deciding it's best to have this conversation in person, and head home.


The walk home passes in a haze, my mind swirling with different scenarios for the conversation with Finn. I know I need to call him. Each step feels heavy, laden with the weight of the conversation that needs to be had.

The sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows that dance around me, mirroring the unease in my heart.

As I approach the front door, I notice someone waiting outside, pacing nervously.

My heart skips a beat when I recognize Finn, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and looking very anxious.

I stop in my tracks, my breath catching in my throat. He looks up and our eyes meet, his expression softening.

"Butterfly." he murmurs.

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