Chapter 35

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Lily's POV

It's been two weeks since the break-up, and I have barely left my room.

During the first three days, Finn tried calling, messaging, when he got no replies he tried coming over but he dealt with Kam and Jen, I just couldn't bring myself to see him. Now it's just been radio silence, like he's also deliberating the next steps for us.

Thing is, I'm not just angry at Finn for lying, but myself and this delusion of an Epic Love.

I can't help but wonder, did I place our relationship on an unrealistic pedestal? Was I simply being dramatic in my pursuit of something perfect? Did I blow things way out of proportion? I know he lied but was it enough for me to break up with him?

The days blend into one another and the girls have tried to coax me out, suggesting coffee, movies, anything to distract me, but I'd rather stay at home with my thoughts.

The sound of a slight knocking draws me out of my thoughts, "Come in"

Kam enters holding a plastic take away cup and sits at the edge of the bed.

"Here," she says handing me the cup and I take a sip, savouring the familiar sweet warmth of the caramel latte.

"Thanks" I mumble.

"Babe, you can't hide forever," she said gently, concern etched in her eyes taking a sit beside me on the bed.

"No ... but I can try" I mumble again sipping more of my coffee.

Her words cut through my fog. "Now, why don't you tell me what's really on your mind"

I lifted my lips from the cup, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "What do you mean"

"She means ..." another voice cuts through, and it's Jen entering the room to take a sit beside us on the bed. "It's not just about lies, there's more to it. Perhaps, you were looking for an out in the relationship."

"Jen," I sigh. "That's not true."

"Okay ..." she leans in, her eyes piercing through my defences. "Then what if your subconscious preconception of your Epic Love is what made you blow up things way out of proportion more than they were and now you are questioning whether you really should have broken up with him"

I furrow my brow, "Bitch..." I mutter under my breath making her to smile.

She hit the mark, and I hate that.

Is it possible that my expectations, my dreams of what love should be, have tainted my reality? Have I been chasing an ideal, a fantasy, and in doing so, sabotaged the real thing?

"Taken the words right out of my mouth," Kam says pulling me out of my thoughts, "though more eloquently, is that the English Literature major in you?" she teases, trying to lighten the mood causing us all to laugh.

The brief moment of laughter is a welcome break from the tension.

Kam's laugh fades as she looks at me seriously. "It's okay to have high expectations, but maybe separate reality from your delusions."

Jen nods. "Yeah, sometimes we get so wrapped up in the fairy tale that we forget real love can be messy and imperfect. And that's okay."

"Though, that doesn't excuse his lies and trust me, I am not playing devil's advocate" She frowns.

"Yeah, that shit for brains, has got to come up with a reasonable excuse for his lies and the whole Rachel debacle," Kam adds, shaking her head in disbelief causing me to let out a light laugh but that doesn't last long.

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