Chapter 32

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{Author's Note: Listen to this song, Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo, whilst reading this chapter for extra feels for Lily's emotions}

Lily's POV

We're all back at home in the early hours of the morning after the party at Kai's. The room is dimly lit, with only a few lamps casting a soft glow.

I sit on the edge of the couch, my mind racing. The coffee table in front of us is cluttered with empty mugs and snack bowls, remnants of our earlier attempts to unwind and fully sober up.

I brief the girls on what happened, recounting every word and the tension in the bathroom.

"Rachel's been posting pictures of her and Finn, making it look like they're closer than they are," I explain, frustration lacing my voice, "and said ..."

"You're not seriously threatened by a few pictures" I use my best nasally high pitched accent to mimic Rachel.

"The bitch said what?" Kam yells, her voice echoing through the cozy living room.

"What other photos were posted?" Jen asks, rather coolly.

Kam pulls out her phone and opens Instagram. "Let's see these photos," she says, scrolling through Rachel's profile. The room falls silent as we all lean in to see.

"Here's one of Finn playing football. The caption says, 'My favourite player.'"

She scrolls further. "And here's another one. Rachel's making juice, and the caption reads, 'Best friend / wifey duties.'"

My heart sinks as she finds yet another photo. "And this one's at the gym. She's with Finn, and the caption says, '#tbt ... need to get back to the Gym with my fave .'"

My face goes pale as I look at the second picture. "That mason jar," I say aloud, my voice trembling. "Wasn't that the same jar I drank juice from at his place?"

Kam looks at me, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I asked Finn about it, and he said Shawn's mum made the juice," I continue, my mind racing. "But that's Rachel in the photo, making the juice. Why would he lie about something like that?"

Jen's eyes widen in realization. "Lily, you need to talk to him about this."

The weight of the situation presses down on me. "I will," I say, feeling a mix of fear and determination, I grab my phone fumbling with my passcode. "I need to know what's really going on."

"As much as I love a confrontation like the next person, it's four a.m." Kam starts, "It's too late for you to rush to his apartment and you're still kind of tipsy"

"Kam's right," Jen pauses and rubs her temples. "Right now, you're pissed, exhausted and tipsy. A combo that is aching for a bad conversation. Talking to him in this state won't help. You need to be calm and collected."

I take a deep breath, nodding. "You're right. I'll wait until later today, after his Saturday training session."

Jen rubs my shoulders. "Good. We'll be here for you, no matter what happens."

And Kam smiles, though her eyes still show a hint of irritation. "Try to get some rest, Lily. You'll think more clearly in the morning."

"Goodnight, guys," I say, managing a small smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes. I walk to my room and change into my pyjamas, the weight of the night pressing heavily on me.


Morning came quickly, the first light of dawn filters through the curtains, waking me. I check my phone— ten-thirty a.m. He should be rounding up on his training. I have some time to gather my thoughts and prepare for the conversation ahead.

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