Chapter 10

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I wake up to the soft morning sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a warm golden glow across the room, find Jen still sound asleep beside me.

The memory of last night's kiss with Finn and his somewhat confession, "Remember, I want you and only you," plays in my mind and smile to myself.

Slipping out of bed and into a pair of cozy slippers, I make my way downstairs.

The familiar aroma of pancakes welcomes me as I enter the kitchen, where Rachel and Nate are busy preparing breakfast.

"Morning, Lil," Nate greets me with a grin, his dimple showing.

"Good morning," I reply with a smile as he hands me a cup of coffee. "It's not a caramel latte, but it has lots of cream and sugar," he mentions.

"Thanks, Nate," I say gratefully as I take a sip.

He serves me a plate of steaming pancakes, and I thank him before sitting down at the table. Shawn and Kam join us, and Kam teasingly picks at my pancakes.

"Get your own," I laugh, to which she replies, "Yours are sweeter."

"Where's Finn?" Shawn asks, looking around the room curiously.

Nate chuckles. "He's still asleep. I tried waking him, but he's completely out."

"I'll go get him," Rachel offers, giving me a knowing smirk.

"He'll listen to me, don't worry," she says walking upstairs.

We hear a few mumbling sounds, and Finn comes downstairs with Rachel.

"See, I told you," She smirks at me, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Okay," Kam starts. "Let's discuss today's plan; we're going hiking in the afternoon," she says, changing the subject and shooting me a reassuring glance.

"Where's Jennie?" Nate asks.

Kam and I look at each other.


"You don't really think she's going to wake up at the mention of food," Shawn laughs.

Kam counts down with her fingers from five before she reaches one.

"Did someone say food?" Jen says grudgingly, rubbing her eyes, appearing on the stairs.

"Come on, the pancakes are getting cold," I say, patting the empty space beside me.

With a yawn, Jennie finally joins us at the table, her bedhead drawing amused smiles from the group. She settles into her seat, blinking owlishly as she tries to shake off the remnants of sleep.

As we dig into our breakfast, the conversation shifts to our hiking plans for the day. Kam outlines the route and points out some scenic spots we shouldn't miss, her enthusiasm infectious.

Finn, who has been relatively quiet since his arrival, finally speaks up.

"Sounds like a plan. I could use some fresh air," he says with a small smile.

"Are those clothes on the floor beside the jacuzzi, or am I just tripping?" Shawn asks turning everyone's attention to the pile of clothes peeking through the sliding door.

A faint flush creeps up my cheeks as I realize they belong to Finn, triggering memories of our moment in the tub last night.

Finn glances at me and smiles, and I get up to make another cup of coffee to mask my flushed face.

I drink the hot liquid and hide my face in the cup.

Jen catches my expression and nudges Kam, exchanging knowing glances they both struggle to contain a giggle.

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