Chapter 25

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Finn's POV

"So, she asked who brought the Lemon and Ginger juice and you said it was my mum?" 

"Yes, Shawn," I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "If Kam says anything just say that please."

I know I'm being paranoid, but Kam, Lily and Jen are thick as thieves. If Lily mentions the juice to Kam, even in passing, she could ask Shawn about it, thus crumbling my relationship. Yes, I should have told Lily it was Rachel, but between the juice, the photo, and now her moving downstairs, I don't want anything to come between us. I'll tell her when the time is right.

Shawn shakes his head firmly. "Finn, this is stupid. I won't go along with the lie. I don't lie to Kam. If she brings it up, I'll set it straight, but I won't go out of my way to tell her anything."


"That's as good as you're going to get from me, man," Shawn laughs, "but seriously let Lily know before this turns into something even worse" with a final wave, he heads out.

Easter break is already here, and the campus is starting to empty out. The usual buzz of students has quieted down, making everything feel oddly calm. I can't shake the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and it's my dad – guess that was the nagging pit I felt.

I hesitantly pick up and don't say anything.

"Finn?" he starts. Silence. I still don't speak.

"Finley Richard Bartholomew Brooks," he says, and I wince at my full name.


"Why do you have to be difficult?"

"What do you want?"

"You're coming home for the holidays. Joanne wants to have a Sunday roast and you will be there, unless you want to be cut off completely," he says before hanging up.

I roll my eyes and let out a long sigh. Dad's not really one to raise his voice or make threats, but when he does, he usually follows through. The thought of sitting through a meal with him and his girlfriend makes me want to gag.

I pick up my phone and message Lily. Having company won't be bad, that would keep my sanity in check.

Me: Morning, Butterfly

I wait for a response. Moments later, my phone buzzes.

Butterfly: Hi babe, Morning xx

Me: Want to come home with me for Easter break? Dad's insisting on a family dinner and I'd rather not face it alone :(

Butterfly: I don't know ... I wasn't invited, don't want to intrude :( x

Me: I'm inviting you, plus think of all the baby pictures you can sneak *winks*

Butterfly: When you put it in that way ....... Okayy, when do we leave?

Me: Tomorrow afternoon?

Butterfly: Perfect. I'll pack my bags *kisses*

I set my phone back on the coffee table, at least I don't have to face this alone.


Lily's POV

I read Finn's message again, a smile spreading across my face. Meeting his dad is a big step, and I'm both nervous and excited about it. I grab my bag and head out to find Jen, knowing she'll have some words of wisdom unlike a cutthroat Kam, who's currently in a mock trial. Though I'll text Kam about it later.

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