Chapter 36

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Finn's POV

It's been two weeks. Nothing from Lily. Every time my phone buzzes, my heart leaps, hoping it's her. But it's always either spam or the football group chat. The disappointment is crushing.

Initially, I tried calling, messaging, showing up at her house only to be met with opposition from Kam and Jen – who are undeniably scary when pissed sending chills down my spine. I even tried going to her favourite café with the off chance, I'd bump into her, nothing.

After a while, I just gave up, she needs space and with that came the stalemate, each of us waiting for the other to make the first move. The silence .... Deafening.

I'm perched on the windowsill in my room, her favourite spot. The sun is setting outside, casting an orange glow over the cars stuck in evening traffic.

I sigh, taking a long drag of my cigarette, feeling the smoke fill my lungs and the rush making me lightheaded. It's been a while since I've smoked, I stopped initially cause she hated the smell and 'it wasn't good for my lungs'.

I pick up the glass of vodka beside me and take a sip, the liquid burning its way down, mingling with the smoke.

I grab my phone, scrolling through our old messages and photos. My hand stops when I get to my favourite one. It's a photo of Lily I took at the beach in my hometown during the Easter break.

The sun is setting behind her, casting a warm, golden glow around her silhouette. She's laughing, her hair tousled by the breeze, her eyes sparkling. She's wearing a simple white sundress, the hem dancing around her knees as she spins in the sand.

This photo captures everything I love about her. Her carefree spirit, her genuine happiness, the way she can make even the simplest moments feel magical. It's a candid shot, completely unposed, and that's what makes it so special.

It's pure Lily – unfiltered, radiant, and beautiful.

I remember that day vividly. We spent hours walking along the shore and that evening as we watched the sun dip below the horizon, I realized how deeply I had fallen for her.

Looking at the photo now, a lump forms in my throat. I miss her more than words can express.

God. I'm pathetic.

"Ain't this a sight for sore eyes, Kai" a voice says, causing me to snap my eyes to the door and it's Shawn.

"Ugh, it reeks in here" Kai said walking in holding his nose. "Open a damn window, mate!"

Shawn strides over, yanking the cigarette from my hand and stubbing it out in the ashtray. "This has to stop, Finn," he says, his tone stern. "You've been wallowing for weeks."

Kai steps closer, his usual laid-back demeanour replaced with a serious expression. "We get it, you're hurting. But this? This isn't the way to deal with it."

He takes a sit on my bed opposite me, "Between botching practices and snapping at the guys on field, you can't say this is sensible."

I scoff, taking another sip of vodka.

Shawn narrows his eyes and snatches the glass from me and tosses the remnants into a plant beside my bed.

"Hey" I yell.

"Finn, as your best friend you need to hear this," Shawn starts, "You're an absolute fucking idiot"

Great. Just what I need. Another lecture about how I'm screwing up.

I glare at him, but he doesn't back down. "You think drowning yourself in booze and smoke is going to fix things with Lily?"

"I tried talking to her, but she doesn't want to speak so I'm giving her the space she deserves." I retort.

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