Chapter 30

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{Author's Note:- Hiya, listen to this song for the feels for this chapter, especially in the love confession... hehe, now on to the chapter xx }

Finn's POV

I park the car and go inside, my heart pounding with anticipation.

I've never told anyone "I love you" before, and the weight of those words feels enormous, almost too heavy to carry. When Mum left, it stirred something deep inside me—a fear that everyone I care about might go too, that I might end up alone. But with Lily, I don't have that irrational fear; she's my calm in this storm.

"Lil", I call out, and she doesn't answer but I hear her mumble something, causing me to laugh. I clear my throat and call out again.


"In your room", she yells back.

I take a deep breath, steadying myself, and walk towards the room. Each step feels like an eternity, the anticipation building with every moment. I find her sitting by the window, her hair catching the soft evening light, a serene expression on her face as she looks outside.

"Call me Lil again, and I won't speak to you again," she pouts, causing me to laugh again.

"Honestly, I love the view from your room," she beams. "Anyways," she says, turning to me, "how did it go?"

I walk and sit beside her. "It went well. We talked, really talked."

"That's amazing, Finn," she smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

"And –" I start.

"And what?" she chuckled softly.

"I told him about you. About how much you mean to me."

Her doe brown eyes soften, and she squeezes my hands. "And?"

"And I told him I love you," I say, my voice filled with emotion. "More than anything."

"Finn" she says softly.

I shake my head and laugh, "I know we've only been dating for 2 months, but –" I sigh and raise my hands to caress her cheek.

"I love you, Lily. I love the way you laugh, your inhumane obsession with caramel, the way you bite your inner cheek when you are anxious, your love for that horrendous movie series, Sharknado," I pause and let out a chuckle "how you care so deeply for everyone around you, and the way you make me feel like I can do anything."

By the time I'm finished, I'm breathless and my heart pounds. Lily's gaze softens, and a tender smile spreads across her lips, lighting up her face in a way that makes my heart skip a beat but I'm not done yet. She needs to understand, when I say that I love her, I mean it.

"Finn..." Her voice is barely a whisper, filled with emotion. She reaches up to place her hand over mine, holding it against her cheek, her touch sending shivers down my spine.

"From the second I saw you the first day of the semester, I was instantly drawn to you. I need to thank Shawn for dragging me to be a volunteer because it led me to you. Though it took me a while to understand my feelings, I couldn't deny how special you are to me." I let out a deep sigh, trying to find the courage to continue.

"When it comes to you, I have so many regrets. I wish I let you know sooner how I felt; I should have been more straightforward, fuck I'm blabbing now" I laugh lightly and take in her expression, and it's unreadable.

"But I'm in love with you, Lily. I love you so much it fucking hurts physically."

Her eyes gloss over, and she's silent long enough for me to think maybe she doesn't feel the same way, and I start to panic. My mind races with doubt, and I can feel my chest tightening.

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