Chapter 3

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As the vibrant sounds of the party pulsed through the air, I found myself irresistibly drawn to Finn. Amidst the chaos of the crowded room, his presence offered a sense of familiarity and comfort that anchored me.

We slipped into an easy conversation, the music serving as a lively backdrop to our words. Laughter spilled from our lips as he recounted his university experiences, each story drawing me further in. His expressive eyes and animated gestures brought his tales to life, and I found myself genuinely entertained.

Through our conversation, I've learnt that Finn Brookes is 23 years old (which makes him 2 years older than me) and currently in the third year of his four-year programme studying sports science. 

However, his ultimate goal is to become a football player for a Premier League team. The passion in his voice when he spoke about football was infectious, and I couldn't help but admire his dedication.

As our conversation shifted to a lighter note, Finn shared a hilarious story about his latest adventure with his football team, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Someone walks up to Finn and to ask something and Kam takes this as an opportunity to nudge me slightly, a knowing glint in her eyes darting between me and Finn.

Before I could protest, she mouthed, "I'll catch you later," her expression hinting at a conversation we needed to have before disappearing into the crowd.

The person chatting with Finn departed, leaving him to focus on me. "So, you're not an ice queen," he quipped, a playful sparkle in his eye.

I raised an eyebrow and let out a soft chuckle, leaning in slightly. "Oh, I can be icy when I need to be. But lucky for you, I'm in a good mood today," I replied, crossing my arms and giving him a coy smile.

"Could I be the reason for the good mood?" he asked, his grin widening, eyes never leaving mine.

I tilted my head, letting my gaze linger on his for a moment. "Hmm, maybe you're just lucky today," I said, a smirk playing on my lips as I took a step closer, feeling the playful tension between us.

He leaned in a bit, his tone still playful. "I like to think I bring out the best in people," he chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I bit my lip, enjoying the flirtatious banter. "We'll see about that," I replied, my fingers lightly brushing against his arm as I held his gaze.

I lifted my cider to my lips, only to realize it was empty. Finn noticed right away.

"Need a refill?" he asked, nodding toward my glass and the drink station.

"It's fine, I'll get it," I replied with a smile, starting to walk towards the drink station.

As we approached, I saw that the spirits were stored in the top cabinet, just out of my reach. I stretched on my tiptoes, trying to reach, but it was no use, even in my heels.

Finn stepped in close behind me. "Allow me," he said, his breath tickling my ear. He reached up easily, grabbing the bottle with a smooth, confident motion.

I turned to face him, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. "Thanks," I said, my voice soft. "Even in heels, I'm still short."

He handed me the bottle, his fingers brushing against mine. "It does come in handy," he replied, a teasing glint in his eye. "But I think you have plenty of advantages yourself."

I smirked, feeling a playful thrill run through me as I took a sip of my drink. "Care to elaborate?" I asked, arching an eyebrow and leaning in slightly.

He smiled back, his gaze steady and warm. "Maybe another time," he replied, his voice low and suggestive.

The night went on with Finn and me getting to know one another more. We laughed, shared stories, and discovered we had more in common than we initially thought. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 2:30 AM. A message from Kam lit up my screen.

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