Chapter 12

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It's been a week since the trip, as quickly as it came, it ended and was a definitive moment for my feelings for Finn.

I haven't spoken to him since then, he's sent some texts and I responded but only with the occasional ,"Yes", "No" and "Sure".  I think he got the message stopped texting.

No matter what I felt for him, I don't think I can manage what happens next if I wedge a wall between Rachel and him.

I tear my thoughts from Finn and focus on trying to finish up my coursework, plus exams are coming up soon and that is my priority – for now at least. 

"Lily, any plans for the afternoon?" Jen asks sitting on her bed, gently placing her book down, her hair in a high ponytail.

"Not really, if it's not school related, I'm not interested" I let out a laugh to mask my anxiety but ultimately, it comes out as a sigh.

"Stressed?"  She asks coming to join me on my bed.

"What gave it away," I say turning to her, my eyes pleading to be saved from this agony which is university.

"Well," she waves her hand gesturing to my side of the room filled with half eaten crisps, chocolate wrappers and soda cans.

" I can't help it, I stress eat."  I pout.

It's a very bad habit, well aware,  but it's better than some other coping mechanisms ... she should be grateful.

"You need some fresh air, and I need to clean this room" she says picking up the chocolate wrappers and tossing them into the bin beside her bed.

"Ugh-" I sigh falling on my bed, "Leave me alone, I need to read, will you take responsibility if I flunk out?" my head turning to her.

"Of course not. But I'll make sure you don't get to that point," she replies, and continues tidying up. I get up from my bed to join her and start picking up the empty soda cans.

Just then, the familiar ringtone of my phone interrupts the quiet. I scramble to grab it from the nightstand, my eyes scanning the screen. It's Nate calling. I quickly answer and put him on loudspeaker then continue tidying up.

"Hey, Nate," I say, trying to sound casual.

"Hey there. Am I interrupting something?" he asks.

I glance at Jen, who mouths 'leave.' I smile and reply, "I was working, but Jen has forced me to go on a break."

Nate laughs. "Good timing then. I'm downstairs," he says, "Oh, and I got you a caramel latte."

My eyes light up at the mention of the latte. "You're the best! Be right down," I say, already excited to take a break with my favourite drink.

I quickly throw on a hoodie and head downstairs, leaving Jen shaking her head but with a playful smile on her face. "Always for that caramel latte," she mutters teasingly as I rush out of the room.

As I descend the stairs outside my building, the aroma of coffee fills the air, guiding me towards Nate. I spot him leaning against the nearby railing, a warm smile spreading across his face as he sees me approaching.

"Hey, there she is," Nate greets me, holding out the caramel latte. "Your favourite."

I take the cup gratefully, savoring the comforting scent. "You know me too well," I say, taking a sip. "Thanks, Nate."

Nate glances around at the pleasant weather. "The weather's nice today. Would you like to go for a walk?" he asks, a hint of excitement in his voice.

I consider his offer, enjoying the idea of taking a break and spending some time outdoors. "That sounds great, actually," I reply with a smile.

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