Chapter 13

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The library hummed with the soft rustle of pages and the occasional tap of keys as students delved into their studies.

It's been four days, and I haven't stopped thinking about Nate's confession, and my 'feelings' for him. 

Like I said before, his confession was a breath of fresh air, I know where I stand or would stand if I started anything with him.

I sit at my usual spot, and my eyes fixed on my laptop screen. I continue tapping on my keyboard rounding up on my due coursework.

With a sense of relief and accomplishment, I clicked the "Submit" button, marking the end of hours spent pouring over research and writing.

Leaning back in my chair, I let out a quiet sigh and glanced around the library, taking in the familiar sights and sounds.

Now that my coursework's over, maybe it's time to take a step forward, to explore what could be with Nate.

Pulling out my phone, I take a deep breath to steady my nerves.

'Hey Nate, does the offer still stand? xX'

I typed out the message, my thumb hovering over the send button for a moment before I mustered the courage to tap it.

I pack up my things and head out of the library trying to distract myself from staring anxiously at my phone.

Just then, I feel my phone beep from my back pocket, and I grab it instantly.

I smile at his response; it's filled with warmth easing the nerves that had settled in my stomach.

You made me a very anxious guy !! I'll pick you up at 7? :) - Nate

Maybe I'm making the right decision.


Jen's left for the week, something about visiting her grandparents in Seoul for their wedding anniversary. So, I've got the room to myself not that I'll do anything fun.

I text our group chat.

Going on the date with Nate :) xLily

And seconds later my phone buzzes with replies from the girls.

Yay !! You've got this, have fun !!Kam

Finally, I thought you would never go ... hehe Jen

Their words make me laugh as I toss my things onto the bed and head for a shower to begin getting ready.

As the water cascades down, I let my mind wander, picturing how the evening might unfold. Each droplet feels like it's washing away any lingering doubts, leaving behind only excitement and anticipation.

With a contented sigh, I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a plush towel. The steamy bathroom air feels comforting as I begin to prepare for the date.

After careful thought, I decided to wear a pair of dark wash high-waisted skinny jeans that fit my curves perfectly. For my top, I chose a cream bralette that tastefully displayed a hint of cleavage, leaving a bit to the imagination.

As I start to style my hair and apply a touch of makeup, I can't help but smile at the thought of spending time with Nate. The nervous energy that had gripped me earlier has now transformed into a sense of eager anticipation.

The familiar ringtone echoes through the room, and I quickly grab my phone from the nearby chair—it's Nate calling.

"Hey Lil, I'm downstairs," he says, his tone carrying a hint of nervousness.

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