Chapter 40

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Finn's POV

I had been looking for Lily for the past few minutes, weaving through the crowds of guests at the reception.

I was whisked away by my Aunt Jane, who is notorious for long-winded conversations. She had cornered me with stories from my childhood, which were amusing but I was eager to get back to Lily.

Finally, I managed to remove myself from her grasp and was about to start my search for Lily, when I heard someone call my name, I turned around thinking it was her, but it was Rachel, and annoyance spread across my face. I knew my father had invited her mother, so it was only expected, she'll be a plus one - much to my dismay.

Between her trying to kiss me and trying to sabotage my relationship, I'm not really interested in anything she has to say, and I thought I made that clear our last conversation.

I ignored her and kept walking, my steps quickening, until she called my name again. I clenched my fists, took a deep breath, and turned around to look at her.

"What?" she asked, her eyes wide with confusion as she tilts her head. "Were you serious about not being friends again? We've had some time apart and we both said things we did not mean but -"

"I'm not doing this here," I said cutting her off, my jaw tightening and I turned around to leave her.

"Finn," she called out again, louder this time, attracting the attention of some guests. I forced a weak smile and turn back to her walking closer to her to avoid causing a scene. My heart was pounding with frustration.

"What?" I ask curtly.

"Look," she starts "yeah I overreacted but that doesn't change the fact that I still have feelings for you, and we've been friends for years"

"Rachel, do you really call what you did overreacting?" I ask. "Look, this is about you not respecting my relationship with Lily. I made my stance clear the last time we spoke," I finish, exhausted by this conversation.

"Now, if you'd excuse me" I turned sharply and left to search for Lily, my eyes searching the crowd.

I checked the dance floor, the buffet area, and even the caterers tent. No sign of her. As I wandered through a quiet hallway, I noticed the slightly ajar door of my dad's study and a soft light spilling out from inside. Curious, I pushed the door open and stepped inside.

There she was, standing in front of the wall of photographs, a serene smile on her face as she looked at the pictures of me growing up. I watched her for a moment, feeling a swell of affection. She looked so beautiful in her yellow dress, bathed in the warm light of the study.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, stepping inside, and closing the door behind me. "I was looking for you."

She's a bit startled but then smiled sheepishly. "I went to the bathroom to touch up my make-up, the ceremony made me tear up and I'm not wearing waterproof make-up, and I saw these photos from the slight creak in the door ... can't blame me I was curious"

I smile but then it drops, I need to let her know Rachel is here, I won't keep anymore secrets from her regarding Rachel, I know first hand how that turns out.

"Lily" I start and she looks at me, "Just in case you run into her, Rachel is here ..."

She turns her attention from the photos to me, her brows furrowed before she relaxed them "Honestly I'd expected, your dad and her mum are friends, so it's only normal" she shrugged.

"She tried to confess her feelings again ..." I start but she cuts me off.

"Finn, it's okay really" she smiles, "Let's not give her any more attention than she's worth,"

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