Chapter 7

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Days turned into weeks, with Finn and I constantly tiptoeing around an unspoken tension.

After finishing my lectures for the day, I sat alone in the campus courtyard, absentmindedly twirling a fallen leaf between my fingers.

Deep in thought, I was startled by my phone buzzing with a message from Finn.

'Butterfingers, are you on campus today?' - Finn

His message sent a flutter of excitement through me, but I hesitated before responding.

After a moment of deliberation, I finally typed out my response.

'Yeah, why what's up? xX'

Instead of a response, my phone started buzzing, and it was Finn calling.

I picked up, and he started, "Want to meet me at the field? We're done with training and would like some company."

My heart quickened at Finn's invitation. "Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in my stomach.

As I made my way to the field, my mind raced with anticipation. What would we talk about?

When I arrived, I spotted Finn, "Finn" I yelled, trying to get his attention.

He turns around and a smile lit up his face.

Finn sprinted across the soccer field towards me, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, catching the sunlight in a dazzling display. His chest rose and fell with each breath, his soccer jersey clinging to his sculpted physique.

"Hey, Butterfingers," he greeted, his voice carrying a playful lilt that made my heart flutter. His sun-kissed hair tousled just enough to give him a rugged charm, and his piercing blue eyes captivated me every time.

"Hey," I replied, returning his smile as my heart skipped a beat. "What's up?" I asked.

"Can't I see my favourite person without being quizzed?" he pouted.

I laughed, "Yes, you can."

He picked up his bag from the bench beside where I stood, and we started walking towards the main campus.

Finn leaned in closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know," he began, his voice low and husky, "I've been thinking..."

My heart raced as I waited for him to continue. "I was thinking," Finn continued, his voice slightly hesitant now, "that it might be fun to go on a trip together. You know, like a group thing. Maybe we could invite Jennie, Kam, and Shawn?"

My smile faltered for a second, but I quickly recovered. I wasn't sure what I was expecting—maybe for him to say he liked me—but that's hypocritical since I haven't confessed my feelings to him either. 

At this point, we're both playing chicken.

"Yeah, that sounds cool," I smiled. "Oh, we could invite my friend Nate; he did say a while back I should let him know if we're doing anything."

Finn's expression shifted uncomfortably at the mention of Nate's name, but he quickly recovered, offering me a tight-lipped smile. "Sure, yeah, Nate could come too," he replied, his voice strained.

We arrived at the main campus. "Alright, I've gotta head back to my room," I said.

"But we didn't even spend time together," he pouted again, this man would be the death of me; he's so adorable.

"The walk was long enough," I smiled, walking away from him.

"Alright, see you later," he slumped his shoulders in pretend disappointment.

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