Chapter 11

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As we set out on the trail, the crunch of leaves beneath our boots and the chirping of birds overhead created a serene soundtrack to our journey.

Kam led the way, with the map, and we all followed behind her closely.

Shawn and Nate were engaged in a discussion about their engineering coursework, which was due once we got back, and Jennie was taking multiple photos of the scenery.

As Finn and I strolled side by side in comfortable silence, our fingers brushed lightly against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through me.

I couldn't help but smile to myself.

However, before the moment could linger, Rachel swoops in.

"Finn, remember that hike we took in Brighton before high school?" she smiles, her tone cheerful yet possessive.

"Yeah, but the trail up to the peak was no joke," his smile genuine but his eyes briefly meeting mine.

Rachel holds his arm and laughs, "aw, this is just like old times, me and you should do this more often."

I smile faintly and take out my phone to take photos of the trees around us.

I wonder if I could ever match the connection Finn has with Rachel. They grew up together from what Shawn says and have been inseparable.

She even came to Harrington University because Finn got in and turned down Oxford University – some devotion. I wonder if he knows she's got a thing for him, surely, he's not that oblivious.

Suddenly, Rachel's voice broke through my thoughts as she directed a question at me. "Have you ever hiked?"

I turned towards her, meeting her gaze. "No, not really," I replied, my tone tinged with a hint of irritation.

I don't understand why she needs to rub in her connection with him, her cutesy innocent act might fool Finn, but it won't go over my head.

As we continued along the trail, I couldn't help but steal glances at Finn, my mind swirling with questions. Did he see me as just a possession, some toy he couldn't part with or was there a possibility for something more between us?

Until he figures it out for himself, I'm going to have to draw a line.

Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed Kam's enthusiastic description of the upcoming scenic spot we were about to reach.

Her excitement was contagious, and it momentarily distracted me from my thoughts.

When we finally arrived at the scenic overlook, the view took my breath away. The sky became a canvas of hues, transitioning from soft pastel pinks and oranges near the horizon to deepening shades of violet and indigo above.

"Wow, this is beautiful," I whispered, my eyes wide with wonder.

"It really is," Finn replied softly, his gaze shifting from the horizon to meet mine.

I felt warmth spread through me, as if his words were directed towards me, a slight smile tugging on my lips. He's making it difficult, when he does things like this, how am I supposed to draw the line.

We make our way back to the cabin, exhausted from the three hour long hike, reminding us never to trust Kam in planning anything.

"Man, my legs are going to hate me tomorrow," Nate joked, stretching his limbs as we walked.

"Tell me about it. I think I've discovered muscles I didn't even know existed," Shawn chimed in, earning nods of agreement from the rest of us.

Kam added, "But wasn't it worth it for that incredible view?"

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