Chapter 43

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Lily's POV

"Alright Shawn, make sure to bring him here by 7pm, no later," I say into the phone, trying to keep my voice steady despite the bubbling excitement within me.

It's finally Finn's birthday, and I haven't seen him all day. I've been avoiding him because I can't keep a secret to save my life, and I just know I would blurt it out. But now, because of my avoidance, he thinks I'm angry at him and has been calling and texting me nonstop.

"I got it, Lil... 7pm at your place," Shawn says, chuckling on the other end. "I don't know who's more controlling, you or your best friend," he laughs again before hanging up.

I laugh as well and put down my phone, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. I start putting up the banners, trying to focus, but my phone vibrates again. I pick it up and see it's Finn.

Lovebug: Butterfly, if I did something, can you let me know? The silence is killing me.

Guilt washes over me, and I drop my phone onto the couch. At that moment, Kam and Jen walk into the apartment, Kam carrying the cake and Jen with the pizzas.

"Thanks, guys," I say, helping them set the items on the table.

"No worries," Kam replies with a smile

"You still giving Finn the silent treatment" Jen asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Why" I ask, turning to her with a confused look.

"Because he has been blowing up my phone" she laughs shaking her head, "I swear he has called me more than my own mother."

I rub my temples, feeling the tension build. "I know, Jen. He's being doing the same to me and I just want everything to be perfect."

"Lord, he's such a baby" Kam laughs, setting the cake down "Less than a day of silence, and he's kicking his toys out of the pram"

"I know right" Jen joins in laughing as she places the pizzas on the counter.

I can't help but laugh along with them, the sound easing some of the tension.

"I just hope he likes the surprise," I say, glancing at the decorations and feeling a pang of worry. What if it's not enough?

"Don't worry, Lil," Kam says, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "He'll love it."

Just then, the doorbell rings, and my heart skips a beat. "That must be the balloons," I say, hurrying to the door. As I open it, a delivery person hands me a massive bouquet of colourful balloons. I sign for them and bring them inside, the vibrant colours adding to the festive atmosphere.

Walking inside and setting the balloons down, I remember the second gift that Jen was meant to get, and she hasn't given it to me yet. I turn to Jen, a curious glint in my eye. "Hey, Jen, did you bring the second present?"

Jen's eyes light up with mischief and I can't help but feel anxious.

"Oh, yes! Be right back." She runs to her room, and moments later, returns with two pink bags: one from Victoria's Secret and the other from Ann Summers.

I blink in surprise, feeling a bit nervous. "Uh, Jen, what's in those bags?" I ask, taking them from her.

"Open them and see," she replies, grinning widely.

With a mix of curiosity and nervousness, I open the Ann Summers bag first. My eyes widen as I pull out a tiny referee outfit, complete with a whistle and stockings. My cheeks flush a deep red as I hold up the extremely tiny skirt.

Kam bursts into laughter. "Oh my God, Jen! This is hilarious!"

Jen joins in the laughter but assures me, "Trust me, Lily, Finn is going to love it. It's all in good fun."

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