Chapter 44

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Finn's POV

As I walked down the hallway towards Lily's room, I brought out the small velvet box in my pocket. When she wasn't returning any of my calls or messages in the morning, I went to get the matching earrings to the necklace I got her – call it a bribe.

I needed something to break the ice, to make her talk to me again and that was around the time Shawn found me and brought me here to the surprise party.

Seeing her face light up and all the trouble she went through to make set up this party makes my heart swell, honestly, I'm more than lucky to call her mine.

I gently set the velvet box on her nightstand and leave the room, closing the door behind me. As I shut the door, I nearly collide with someone.

"Oh sorry" I start until my eyes meet hers, Rachel. She stood there, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Finn," she says pouting, blocking my way. "Avoiding me won't make my feelings go away."

I tried to sidestep her, my irritation growing. "Rachel, I have nothing left to say to you."

She grabbed my arm, "You didn't let me say what I had to say at the wedding," she says desperately. "Finn, I love you"

"I don't care," I snapped. "I don't want to hear it."

Her grip tightened, and her eyes flashed with determination. "Well, I do. And since words won't work..."

She stepped closer, closing the gap between us. Her lips crashed against mine for a brief second before I shoved her away, disgust and anger flaring inside me.

Just then, a soft gasp echoed down the hallway. We both turned to see Lily standing there, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and anger. Rachel smirked, stepping back.

"I just needed to show him what he was missing," she said with a triumphant sneer, "Though ..." she continues, I can feel her eyes looking at me, but I'm focused on Lily who right now is clenching her fists and jaw.

"It looks like there's no point anymore, I'm done" Rachel finishes with a hint of hurt in her voice.

Lily's eye twitched slightly as she shook her head and stormed towards Rachel, grabbing her away from me. Rachel tried to break free, but Lily's grip was unrelenting as she pulled her out of the hallway

"Lily!" I yelled, following them, my heart pounding.

As we entered the living room, the party seemed to pause with the music reducing slowly so everyone can focus on the unfolding drama – thanks a lot Charlie.

Rachel yanked herself free, rubbing her arm where Lily had grabbed her.

"What the fuck?" She spat, her voice dripping with venom. "You know, he'll get tired of you and your insecurities—"

Before she could finish, Lily's hand flew out striking her, the slap echoing through the stunned silence. Rachel staggered back, holding her cheek in shock. My eyes widened in disbelief, but a sense of pride coursed through me, and I can't help but smirk – that's my girl.

"I'm going to say this once," Lily's voice eerily calm as her eyes locked onto Rachel's.

"Get the fuck out of my house and stay away from MY boyfriend, you fucking skank!" she yells, her hands trembling slightly as she clenched them into fists like she was holding herself back from striking Rachel again.

Rachel was stunned but quickly composed herself, "You bitch." She yells her hand flying about to hit Lily, but Kam was there catching her wrist in mid-air.

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