Chapter 16

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Nate and I hung out as much as we could before the impending Christmas break, knowing after the break we won't see each other for a while. We went out for food, lounged in my room and his at times, went on walks and went to the arcade.

The Christmas break soon came, and we had to part ways. It sucked, but I'll see him in March when he's back from his internship.

As for me, I returned home to the comforting embrace of family. The familiar scent of pine and cinnamon welcomed me, evoking memories of past holidays spent in this cozy haven with Mom and Ava.

"Lil, come downstairs and help prep the food for Christmas dinner" Ava yells from downstairs.

Rolling my eyes fondly at her enthusiasm, I made my way downstairs to join in the preparations. The kitchen was alive with activity, filled with the aromas of roasting turkey, baking cookies, and simmering spices.

Mom was busy at the stove, orchestrating the cooking with practiced ease. "Welcome home, sweetheart," she greets me with a hug.

"Sorry I couldn't see you when you came in the morning yesterday, I was on call yesterday." She explains.

"Mum, what did I say about apologizing for work," I replied pulling out of the hug and grabbing an apron to join Ava in chopping vegetables.

She gives a knowing smile, "I know, sorry my love."

As we worked together, laughter and chatter filled the air, blending with the holiday music playing softly in the background.

As I carefully placed the gravy in the fridge, a familiar tone chimed from my phone, interrupting the quiet ambiance of the kitchen. With a smile, I picked it up—it was Nate calling.

Excusing myself to my room, I sank onto my bed, a rush of warmth enveloping me at the sound of his voice. "Hi, Love," Nate's voice echoed through the phone.

"Hi, Nate," I replied, mirroring his smile, which I can sense from the sound of his voice.

"I'm busy with helping my dad wrap the presents for Christmas, but I just wanted to hear your voice and wish you a Merry Christmas," he chuckled.

I laugh to myself, "Merry Christmas, Nate" I reply.

As I shifted on the bed, gazing up at the white ceiling, Nate's voice carried a longing tone. "I miss you," he confessed softly.

"I miss you too,"  I chuckle.

Nate's yearning was evident as he whispered, "I wish I could be there with you."

"I know, but soon enough" I reassured him knowing he's leaving straight after the break for his internship.

There was a brief pause before Nate spoke again, almost hesitant his voice filled with emotion. "Lily, I love you. I know it's too soon to say it, but I do."

I freeze taken aback by the weight of his words, letting it sink in.

"Lily, come back down please" mom's voice cut through the moment, ringing through the house breaking the silence and saving me from the conversation.

"Um, Nate, I've got to go. My mom's calling," I hurriedly interjected.

"Lil—" Nate's voice trailed off, but I didn't give him a chance to finish.

"Speak soon, bye," I said quickly, ending the call before the depth of his confession could fully settle in.

As Nate's words lingered in my mind, I forced myself to focus on helping Mom downstairs. She called out just as I was lost in thought, and I followed her voice to the kitchen.

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