Chapter 18

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Lily's POV

As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room, I lay awake beside Finn, my mind swirling with conflicting emotions. The scent of his cologne lingered on my skin, a constant reminder of the night's events.

I shifted slightly, feeling his arm still wrapped protectively around me. His steady breaths indicated that he was still deep in slumber. I couldn't help but steal a glance at his peaceful expression, so different from the usual intensity that marked our interactions.

Guilt gnawed at me as I replayed the events of the previous night. It wasn't just the physical act of cheating that weighed on my conscience, but the realization that my 'feelings' for Nate was basically non-existent.

The fact that my primary concern was how much this would hurt him, rather than the impact on our relationship, was a sobering revelation.

I carefully removed myself from Finn's embrace, trying not to disturb his sleep. Slipping out of bed, I padded over to the window, staring out at the birds. The sun was rising higher now, casting long shadows that stretched across the room.

Despite my lack of romantic feelings for Nate, I treasured his friendship deeply. The thought of losing him as a friend was scary, and the fact I've hurt him filled me with a sense of dread.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that Finn had woken up until I felt his presence behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a gentle embrace.

"Good morning," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to the back of my neck.

"Morning," I replied, my voice betraying none of the turmoil inside me.

For now, I pushed aside the weight of my guilt and leaned into his embrace. I turn to face him and how is it possible that he looks even more sexy in the morning.

"I know what you're thinking," he starts, "Nate, am I right" he smiles weakly, and I nod, the weight of his words settling in my chest.

"One rule let's not start anything until you end things with him, I was carried away yesterday" he admits.

My heart sank at his words, but he continued, his gaze unwavering. "I don't regret last night," he confessed clearing the doubt in my mind.

"But right now, you're Nate's girlfriend, and when next I fuck you, you need to be mine," he added with a chuckle.

I wince at his directness, and he notices causing him to laugh even more. I swear, if it was any other guy I'd be disgusted but with him, I make an exception.

"Fine, but you need to sort Rachel out" I reply, because I do not want any problems and he nods.

"Alright, I should back to my room before my mum gets back," I say, planting a kiss on his cheek as I turn to leave. But before I can, he gently spins me back around, his lips meeting mine in a brief but tender kiss.

As we part, he whispers against my lips, "Don't make me wait too long," and I can't help but smile in response.

I get back to my room and shut the door and rest my forehead against the door. My phone buzzed softly on the bedside table, and I head over to pick it, but I hesitate, knowing that there would be messages from Nate.

I face my fears and pick it, and truly there's a message from him.

'Lily, I'm sorry if I made you feel pressured. That wasn't my intention. But I want you to know that I truly love you. Being with you brings me so much joy, and sometimes, you just know when something feels right. I don't need an immediate response from you, but I want you to know that my feelings are sincere. Our connection means everything to me' – Nate

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