Chapter 27

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Finn's POV

The next day.

"I'm so sorry, babe," Lily says as she plants a short kiss on my lips. "Ava called. She needs someone to look after Mia because her babysitter cancelled last minute, and Mum's in Manchester for a conference."

I walk her to the front door, carrying her small suitcase. "Butterfly, it's okay," I smile, reassuring her. "You can make it up to me later on." My lips take on a wicked smirk, earning a playful swat on the arm.

"Finn, someone could hear you!" she whispers, though the feigned sternness is betrayed by her flushed cheeks.

I laugh, pulling her close and planting a light kiss on her temple, savouring the scent of her strawberry shampoo. Strawberries have never been my favourite fruit, but every time I catch a whiff of her hair, it's like my personal crack – I can't get enough.

"Leaving so soon?" Dad appears from the living room. After our heated conversation yesterday, I avoid looking him in the eyes, and he's noticeably tense when he glances at me.

"Yes, Mr. – I mean, Rhidian," Lily smiles. "Family emergency. The dinner was lovely yesterday."

Dad nods stiffly, his gaze shifting between us. "I hope everything's okay."

"Nothing serious," Lily replies, giving him a warm smile before turning to me. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Of course," I say, squeezing her hand as we walk to her car. As she opens the door, she looks at me with a soft, earnest expression. "Tell me everything about your mum after you meet her, okay?"

I smile, my heart warming at her concern. "Yes, Butterfly, I will."

She tip-toes and leans up, her lips finding mine in a short but sweet kiss before she settles into the car, I turn to the driver, my voice stern. "Better drive safe."

The driver nods quickly, sensing the seriousness in my tone. I watch as the car pulls away, then turn back towards the house, steeling myself for the inevitable conversation with Dad.

I step inside, the air heavy with unspoken tension. Dad is waiting in the hallway, a tentative look on his face. "Finn, there's something—"

"Can we not do this right now, Dad?" I cut him off, my tone firm as I walk past him toward the kitchen.

He sighs heavily. "Fine. But we need to talk about it soon."

Ignoring his words, I focus on making myself a cup of coffee. The familiar scent of brewing coffee fills the room, offering a small comfort. I lean against the counter, staring out the window, trying to clear my head.

"Morning Finn," a soft voice says from the doorway. I turn to see , Joanne, standing there.

Taking a sip from my coffee, I turn and give an acknowledging nod not wanting to engage in conversation.

She steps closer hesitantly. "Lily is beautiful"

I smile and give a quick response, "I know", not wanting to drag this out.

She gets the hint and her face noticeably upset, not that I give a damn and starts retreating out of the kitchen, but she pauses for a second.

"You know, I will never replace your mum" she says weakly, "But can we at least be friends, if that's okay with you."  She finishes before walking out of the kitchen, though my eyes quickly catch a glimpse of a shinny rock on her finger.

My eyes widen at the sight, and I rush out of the kitchen to find Dad in his study.

"Is that a ring on Joanne's hand? What the fuck?" I seethe

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