Chapter 31

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Lily's POV

It's the end of April now and everyone has come back from their Easter break.

The campus is alive with the buzz of students catching up and sharing stories of their holidays. I find myself sitting outside the campus café with Kam and Jennie, basking in the warm spring sunshine. We've claimed a 6-seater bench with an umbrella providing shade, making it the perfect spot for a catch-up session.

Kam and Jennie are chatting animatedly about their breaks, and I take a sip of my iced caramel coffee, feeling a wave of happiness wash over me. It's been a whirlwind few weeks, and I can't wait to share my news with them.

"So, how was everyone's Easter?" Kam asks, looking around the table with a bright smile.

"It was great!" Jennie responds, her eyes sparkling. "I actually spent a lot of time with Kai."

I raise my eyebrows, smirking "Did you now?"

Jennie's cheeks flush a lovely shade of pink, and she fidgets with her straw. "Well, yes," she admits shyly, a small smile playing on her lips. "We've gotten a lot closer"

"Well, that's that" Kam grins, then turns to me, "Lil, what of you? Any news?"

"Finn, told me he loved me" I blush

Kam's eyes widen with excitement. "Really? That's amazing, Lil! How do you feel about it?"

I can't help but smile, the memory of Finn's confession making my heart flutter all over again. "It was incredible. I've never felt so happy and so nervous at the same time."

Jennie lets out a soft squeal. "That's so wonderful! What did you say back?"

"I told him I loved him too," I reply, my voice soft with emotion. "It felt like the most natural thing in the world."

"I know you're skeptical about love, but you and Finn just seem so right together," Jennie adds with a warm smile.

I laugh, feeling a mix of embarrassment and joy. "Yeah, I really love him." I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks, causing Jen and Kam to burst out laughing.

"Who do you love?" I hear a familiar voice creeping behind, "Better be me,"  he teases before I feel a soft kiss on my temple.

"Finn," I smile, turning to see his grinning face.

"Hi, Butterfly," he says, his eyes twinkling. He's wearing his football jersey, and from the lack of sweat and boy, I'm guessing he's enroute to training. Looking past him, I notice Kai and Shawn are not too far behind.

Honestly, both Kam and Jen have impeccable tastes in guys.

Kai stands at 6 feet tall, with a lean, muscular build and dark, glossy hair. His face is well-defined with high cheekbones and a strong jawline, giving him a chiselled and handsome look. His almond-shaped, expressive brown eyes add to his charm. 

Shawn, on the other hand, is 6 feet 2, basically Finn's height,  with an athletic build and rich, warm brown skin that complements his overall handsome appearance. His face is well-defined with high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a symmetrical structure. His thick, perfectly shaped eyebrows enhance his piercing gaze. 

However, my eyes are still, and will always be, on my Finn.

Kam and Jennie exchange amused glances. "Well, this just got even sweeter," Kam says with a chuckle.

"You got that right," Shawn adds before wrapping his arms around Kam and whispering something in her ear, causing her to blush.

"You couples are making me barf," Jennie laughs, rolling her eyes playfully.

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