Chapter 19

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Days passed and any conversation I have with Nate the guilt gnaws at me cause he still expects a response to his 'love declaration' but he won't say it. I try to restrict most of our conversations to text because I can't bring myself to see his face.

But when I can't avoid a FaceTime call, he knows something's up and I always brush it off, like nothing's wrong.

I'm such a terrible person.

"Lil are you coming to the game tonight" Shawn asks pulling me from my trance seated in the apartment.

"What game?" I ask tilting my head in confusion.

"The university's football team is playing again another school" he says looking up trying to remember the other school's name, "Ah yeah, Reddington University"

"Right, right," I nod slowly, "I'll try to make it," I say whilst doing the dishes.

Just as I finish up with the dishes, Kam and Jennie walk into the kitchen, their voices carrying excitement.

"Hey, are you guys talking about the game tonight?" Kam asks walking up to Shawn to plant a quick kiss on his cheek, a playful grin on her face.

"Yeah, Shawn just mentioned it," I reply, drying my hands on a towel.

"I heard it's going to be a close match," Jennie chimes in, joining the conversation.

"Oh, and guess what?" Shawn adds with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Finn is playing tonight, and I heard there might be scouts from some pro teams coming to watch. We should definitely be there to support him."

I smile, "In that case, yeah, I'll be there."

Shawn gets up from the chair, "Alright, babe you ready?" he asks turning to Kam.

"Yeah, give me a second" she says packing her laptop in her bag.

"Must be nice to have personal chauffeur" Jen laughs

"I'm her boyfriend not her driver" Shawn replies laughing.

"Eh Potatoe, Potato" Kam shrug pulling his arm, "I'll be late for class" she laughs as they head towards the door.


The atmosphere tonight at the football game is electric.

The stadium buzzed with excitement as fans filled the stands, waving banners and wearing team colours. The cool night air was alive with the sounds of cheers and chants, creating a vibrant backdrop for the intense match unfolding on the field.

As I made my way to our seats with Kam and Jennie, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The stadium lights illuminated the field, and the cheers grew louder as the game intensified, each play adding to the thrill of the evening.

Amidst the sea of cheering fans, I spotted Shawn waving enthusiastically from a few rows ahead. Kam and Jennie eagerly took their seats beside him, joining in the excitement of the game. The energy of the crowd was contagious, and I found myself cheering and clapping along with everyone else.

The game progressed with nail-biting moments and exhilarating plays, keeping us all on the edge of our seats.

As the game drew to a close, the score remained tied, leading to a tense penalty shootout. The stadium fell silent, the anticipation palpable as Finn stepped up to take the decisive penalty shot. With focused determination, he launched the ball into the net, scoring the winning goal amidst a deafening roar of cheers from the crowd.

The eruption of joy was instantaneous as our team secured the victory with a final score of 4-3. Fans leaped to their feet, waving banners and shouting with exhilaration.

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