Chapter 17

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The party winds down and guests bid their farewells, Ava, Finn, and I begin the task of cleaning up with Ian's help.

The clinking of dishes and laughter fill the kitchen, before Ian and Ava share a knowing look, signalling the end of the night's festivities.

As Finn and I finish tidying up, Mom's phone suddenly rings, breaking the calm atmosphere. Her expression turns grave as she listens intently to the caller. My heart sinks as I realize something must be wrong.

"Mum, what's happening?" I ask, concern evident in my voice.

She looks at me, her eyes filled with urgency. "There's been an accident on the M4, and they're short on doctors because it's Christmas," she explains hurriedly. "I have to go. It's an emergency."

Without further delay, she rushes out, leaving Finn and me standing in the dimly lit living room, the echoes of the departing car fading into the night.

As Finn and I stand in the dimly lit living room, the weight of the situation is momentarily lifted by Finn's attempt to lighten the mood. His smile brings a small sense of normalcy amidst the unexpected turn of events.

"Is this what it's like having a mum as a doctor?" Finn's question is accompanied by a playful smile.

I chuckle, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I'm honestly surprised she had dinner this time," I joke

Feeling the exhaustion of the day settle in, I yawn and stretch. "I think I'm going to head to bed," I announce with a smile.

Finn nods, returning my smile. "Alright, I'll finish up here," he offers.

As I make my way upstairs to my room, the quietness of the house amplifies my thoughts.

Despite my initial intention to sleep, restlessness keeps me awake. I pick up my phone and message Finn.

Are you done cleaning yet? :) – Lily

Minutes pass without a response, and curiosity gets the better of me. I quietly make my way to the guest bedroom where Finn is staying. Just as I reach the door, I hear the sound of running water switch off from the bathroom.

Slowly pushing the door open, I find Finn who just stepped out of the shower. The towel clings to his waist, accentuating his toned physique, and water droplets cascade down his stomach, drawing my attention to his very defined v-line.

I swallow nervously, feeling a sudden rush of heat to my cheeks.

"Just finished up a shower, sorry did you need anything" he asks drying his hair with a towel.

"Hey, I just came to check on you," I stammer, my voice betraying my flustered state.

He smiles at my flustered state, "You okay, you look a little pale" he smirks, "This isn't your first time seeing me shirtless" he teases further.

"No I'm cool like a cucumber, I don't know what you're talking about" I scoff.

Fuck, did I just say that I mentally facepalm myself.

He turns towards me, his expression unreadable as he walks closer, backing me against the wall. His arm rests above my head, his proximity sending a jolt of awareness through me.

"I was happy when you called me over," he admits.

"No it was okay, I would do that for any friend." I try to brush off.

"Any friend," he chuckles and raises a brow, "Can I be honest with you" he asks his voice low.

I gulp and nod slowly, feeling a mixture of nervousness and anticipation as our eyes lock. We're a finger distance from ourselves and I can feel my heart pounding, no doubt he can hear it as well.

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