Chapter 28

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{Author's Note - Play the song, whilst reading this part <3, it's from one of my favourite k-dramas, Our Beloved Summer. The song just felt right in this part, let me know if you like the song. Tip - use the auto translate to English if you want to see the lyrics. Now ... on to our story !! xxx }

Lily's POV 

It's been three days since I left Finn at his house to babysit Mia, and I've barely heard from him. Just the occasional "Hi" or "I'm doing okay," and I'm getting increasingly worried.

I returned to Harrington yesterday after Ava took Mia back. There was no point in spending the holidays with her and Ian while I was so concerned about Finn. Both Kam and Jen have left for the holidays, leaving me alone with my endless thoughts and what-ifs.

After going through my night time routine, I sit on my bed with an aloe vera face mask on, staring at my phone, willing it to ring or buzz with a message from Finn.

The silence is deafening, and sleep is starting to overtake me.

With a swift move, I peel off the face mask, toss it aside, and turn off the lights. Settling into bed, my mind drifts to Finn as sleep finally engulfs me.


The sharp shrill sound of my phone jolts me awake, and I reach on my bedside table to get my phone.

"Hello?" I hesitantly answer.

"Butterfly, were you asleep?" a familiar deep voice responds, and my eyes widen. It's Finn. I sit up in bed, and all the sleep leaves my eyes.

"No, I wasn't sleeping."

"Sure sounds like you were." He laughs lightly. I cover the phone lightly, cough, and try to clear my throat so I sound a bit less sleepy.

"Of course not. It's too early to be sleeping," I say, glancing over at my clock and noticing it's three a.m. "Actually, why are you awake? Are you okay?"

"Yes, baby, I'm fine," he replies, though his voice gives him away—there's something off.

I lean over to switch on my lights.

"Don't turn on your lights, you should really go back to sleep," he says chuckling.

I look around confused. How did he know I just turned on my lights? I get up from my bed, put on my slippers, and walk over to the window. That's when I see him leaning on his car, looking up at me.

"I'll be down in a sec," I say before rushing out of my room to meet him downstairs.

When I get downstairs, he sees me and walks over. I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug and getting engulfed in his scent.

"You haven't replied to any of my texts," I say, snuggled against his chest. "I was worried."

He plants a short kiss on my head. "I did."

"Yeah, well, you didn't call me Butterfly in the messages." I pout, looking up at his beautiful blue-green orbs, which only take this colour under the moon.

"Noted, I'll always call you Butterfly in texts," he laughs. "Alright, go back upstairs."

"But you came all this way," I say. "Was it just to see me?"

He smiles and nods. "I saw you, and now I should start heading back." He plants a short kiss on my lips and pulls out of the hug before walking away.

The way he looked at me—something's wrong, I can feel it. Before he can get any closer to his car, I call out his name, and he turns back.

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